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In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas regazding whether housing would be <br />~ available for rent or purchase by a spouse of a hospital resident, Mr. Samuelian replied <br />that they had not considered multi-family housing because of Neal Street's charm. He <br />suggested that the SilverStone project designate some housing for nursing. <br />Fred Krishbaum, 303 Neal Street, spoke in opposition to this item. He noted that he lived <br />across the street from the proposed project and added that this was a residential historical <br />area. He would like to maintain the buffer zone and was concerned about the lazge size <br />of the proposed houses as well as their proximity to the street. He was concerned about <br />the FAR of the existing hospital if the property were to be subdivided. <br />In response to an inquiry by Chairperson Arkin regazding the content of the <br />neighborhood meetings, Mr. Krishbaum replied that pazking was a big concern and added <br />that the applicant alleviated those concerns. <br />Mr. Samuelian noted that he appreciated the neighbors' concerns and added that there <br />was just a handful of residents at the meeting. The general concern regarded the open <br />space, and he noted that they spent $3,000 monthly to maintain it. He added that the <br />patients' rooms looked into a courtyazd and at the landscaping on the outside of the <br />building; those rooms would not affect the neighbors. <br />Mr. Townsend noted that the neighbors discussed their concerns about open space, <br />pazking on the street, and the size of the buildings. He noted that the neighbors' concerns <br />about employees parking on the street had been alleviated with an alternate pazking plan; <br />13 spots would be gained when the pazking lot is restriped. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Peazce regazding the original intent for the <br />greenbelt, Ms. Decker replied that the previous condition was to ensure that it was <br />landscaped instead of left as raw land from the development. It was not required to be <br />kept as an open space buffer in perpetuity. Staff would bring the language back from that <br />documentation. <br />Chairperson Arkin requested that staff bring the entire document back to the <br />Commission. <br />Commissioner Peazce would like to see a streetscape to compaze the house sizes relative <br />to the neazby houses. She believed the houses were beautifully detailed and liked the <br />porches; she added that the design was in keeping with the chazacteristics of the <br />neighborhood. <br />Commissioner Blank liked the design of the houses and added that the detailing was well <br />done. He drove through the neighborhood, and he believed the houses were a bit too <br />large, out of proportion, and too close to the front. <br />l~ <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page 16 of 19 <br />