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~ Commissioner Maas did not want to see the City's standazds regazding trees to be <br />lowered and noted that the City's logo even included an oak tree. She wanted the City's <br />standards to be fairly enforced to the fullest. <br />Crosswalk Warnin¢ Li¢hts <br />Commissioner Fox expressed concern about the safety of the midblock crosswalk on <br />Santa Rita Road near Hollywood Video. She stated that she saw a child with a dog <br />neazly killed by a car that did not stop at that crosswalk and added that there was no <br />stoplight at that crosswalk. She noted that similar crosswalks in San Mateo and Walnut <br />Creek had apush-button control and embedded flashing lights along the length of the <br />crosswalk to warn motorists. She suggested that the City investigate whether those lights <br />could be embedded in the road. <br />Mr. Grubstick noted that the Traffic Engineer had looked into that product and added that <br />he did not know whether there were current plans for that warning at this time. He <br />indicated that he would look into the matter and bring back a response to the <br />Commission. <br />Ordinance Reguirine Fire Sprinklers in New Residential Construction <br />Commissioner Blank noted that he had seen a home in the City burn near Christmastime, <br />and that it was not equipped with sprinklers. By code, it was small enough not to need <br />sprinklers. <br />Ms. Decker noted that residences were generally required to have sprinklers when they <br />were a specific distance from the Fire Department or the estimated response time would <br />be too long. <br />Commissioner Blank would like to agendize a discussion about an ordinance requiring <br />sprinklers in all new residential construction. He noted that while sprinklers added some <br />cost to new construction, he believed the residents of the home that burned down wished <br />they had sprinklers. <br />Ms. Decker noted that she would ensure that item is agendized for discussion at a future <br />meeting. <br />General Plan and Departine Commissioners <br />Commissioner Blank noted that with the upcoming departure of Commissioner Maas and <br />Commissioner Roberts from the Planning Commission, the City would lose an invaluable <br />asset in the completion of the General Plan. He requested the support of the Planning <br />Commission to recommend to the City Council that there be some means of creating a <br />steering committee to allow Commissioners Maas and Roberts to continue to participate <br />in the General Plan process. <br />Chairperson Arkin noted that he would support that request. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page 18 of 19 <br />