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~. Chairperson Arkin advised that he would like to see minutes for the neighborhood <br />meetings before this application comes back to the Commission. <br />Commissioner Blank noted that he would like to see the a-mails from the neighbors. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that she would like to see what would be allowed on public and <br />institutional properties. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Terry Townsend, project architect, 147 Old Bernal Avenue, noted that under the current <br />zoning, the facility could be expanded upon without a rezoning. The applicants proposed <br />a residential use because they believed it was a better fit for the surrounding community. <br />He noted that there was a 19-foot storm drain easement and asix-foot sanitazy sewer <br />easement between where the subdivision was proposed and where it actually touches the <br />existing building. An expansion of the existing facility downward on the exhibit would <br />be impossible because it would cross those easements; however, a new structure <br />independent of that could be proposed on the front parcel. He noted that the existing <br />grass azea had been landscaped and was approved in 1971, and he could not find any <br />evidence that it was stipulated to be a continued open space. Because of the easements, <br />he believed that was the way the open space situation occurred, and that it was kept as a <br />landscaped area. He pointed out the proposed parking azeas and added that West Neal <br />Street was quite wide with adequate room for pazking on both sides of the street. Limited <br />(~ setbacks to the porch of approximately 12 feet from the property line were proposed, and <br />the distance to the asphalt was another 12 feet, for an effective 24-foot setback to the <br />porch. The proposed reaz setback line was in line with an existing fence. He pointed out <br />the existing and proposed landscaping. <br />Mr. Townsend advised that two pazcels, similaz in size, would be created, generally <br />following an R-1-10,000 zoning district, with the exception of the front porches. He <br />described the gazage design, which would have the appearance of a two-caz gazage but <br />would accommodate three cazs. The two-story structure would reduce the building <br />footprint with a maximum proposed floor area ration (FAR) of 40 percent; the actual <br />FARs aze 36 and 37 percent. This project would fall outside the Downtown Historical <br />Area, but the applicants would implement much of the azchitecture designation for that <br />district. He described the azchitectural features of the project. <br />Steve Samuelian, applicant, 300 Neal Street, noted that he was one of the owners of <br />Generations Healthcare. He added that many nursing home facilities were built between <br />30 and 50 years ago and that many of them were in dire need of repair. He noted that he <br />and his partners decided to design and build a well designed and well kept facility. He <br />described their business philosophy and goals and added that they wished to make the <br />facility as comfortable as possible for its residents. <br />~' <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page 15 of 19 <br />