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/"' Mr. Roush noted that because this application was a PUD, it would go to the City <br />Council. He added that the neighbor who had concerns about the tot lot could be <br />informed to make comments to the Council. <br />Commissioner Blank did not support placing the tot lot neaz the arroyo, neaz the seating <br />areas, or by the water amenity in the center. <br />Commissioner Maas moved to find that the project will not have a significant <br />impact on the environment, that it has a de minimus impact, and that the proposed <br />PUD is consistent with the General Plan and the purposes of the PUD ordinance; to <br />make the PUD findings identified in the staff report; and to recommend approval of <br />the Negative Declaration for the project and of Case PUD-49 for the rezoning of the <br />2.76-acre site from RM-4,000 (Multiple-Family Residential) District to PUD-HDR <br />(Planned Unit Development -High Density Residential) District and for a <br />development plan to construct a 45-unit residential condominium development <br />located at 3909 Vineyard Avenue, subject to the conditions of approval as listed on <br />Exhibit B of the staff report, as recommended by staff, with the following <br />amendments: <br />1. Delete Conditions Nos. 6, 15, 24, 70-72, 79, and 82, as these are duplicates of <br />other conditions. <br />2. Delete Condition No. 19 regarding the requirement for recessed windows. <br />3. Modify Condition No. 12 to indicate the setback requirements of the site <br />development standards. <br />4. Modify Condition No. 16 to read as follows: "A Final Map shall be recorded <br />for the project prior to the issuance of any <br />certificate of occupancy. Additionally, a Department of Real Estate report is <br />required prior to the issuance of any certificate <br />of occupancy." <br />5. Modify Condition No. 34.a. to read as follows: "Electrical conduit and eal~le <br />pull string shall be installed from the roof/attic areas to the buildings' main <br />electrical panels." <br />6. Modify Condition No. 31 to read as follows: "All trees used in landscaping <br />shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) gallons in size, and all shrubs shall be a <br />minimum of five (5) gallons, <br />with at least seventeen (17) 24-inch box <br />trees to be located along Vineyard Avenue, at the drive exit on Birch Creek <br />Drive, at the Birch Creek Drive focal point, and at the entrance focal point." <br />7. Add a new condition to incorporate additional exposed rafter tails under the <br />eaves as recommended by Cannon Design Group, the City's consulting <br />architect, and include this change in the plan check submittal, subject to the <br />approval of the Planning Director. <br />8. Add a new condition requiring that the CC&Rs include language ensuring <br />that the garages are used for the parking of two vehicles. <br />9. Add a new condition to include the tot lot in its original location on the site <br />plan and amend the parking configuration at that location. <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page 13 of 19 <br />