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~., purchase the units during a certain period of time. He clarified that the subset could <br />include professionals such as nurses or teachers. <br />Commissioner Maas noted that while her son was raised in Pleasanton, he lived in San <br />Leandro because of affordability issues and hoped that kind of situation would not be an <br />obstacle. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regazding anti-flip policies, Mr. Roush <br />noted that generally that kind of restriction is not put on a property. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />John McMorrow, applicant, noted that the purchase agreements included ananti-flip <br />provision and that there would not be numerous "For Sale" signs since the developer <br />would be the one trying to sell units. He added that the affordable units were designated <br />for Pleasanton residents first, and people who work in Pleasanton second. He did not <br />want the entire project conditioned on that. He noted that one renter objected to the tot <br />lot, and, as a result, it was removed. He noted that they saved every tree that could be <br />saved. He noted that there were hundreds of cable types for the various solar systems and <br />that it would be impossible to determine the type that would be needed. He added that <br />they would supply the pipe and the pull cable. Windows were added to the garages so <br />that it could be determined if a resident was not using their gazage for pazking a caz. If <br />the homeowners association did not enforce the gazage requirements, the CC&Rs give <br />~" the City the ability to enforce them. <br />In response to an inquiry by Chairperson Arkin regazding whether he would agree to <br />putting the tot lot back in, Mr. McMorrow stated that he would like to but expressed <br />concern about the neighbor who objected. He added that there was a sitting area near the <br />arroyo and other benches towazds the middle of the site. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Maas noted that she had no issues with this project but was concerned that <br />one renter could disallow the tot lot. She noted that the patios were very small and <br />believed the tot lot was needed in the project. <br />Chairperson Arkin agreed with Commissioner Maas' comments and believed this was a <br />very good infill site with smaller-scale mazket-rate housing. He believed the applicant <br />has done a phenomenal job in trying to work with the community, the Commission, and <br />the City. He strongly supported the tot lot and added that they generally were not very <br />noisy. He noted that an 8-foot by 12-foot lot was not very big and was meant for very <br />small children. He added that older children would be more likely to play at the pazk <br />rather than at the tot lot. <br />/~ <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page 12 of 19 <br />