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b. V-69-11, D. 6 V. Builders, Inc. <br />Application for a variance to Sec. 2.100 and 2.102c, to allow the construction <br />of single-family homes with a reduction in the aide yard to zero on one side and <br />3 ft. on the other, and a frontyard setback of 20 ft., in lieu of 23 ft., said <br />property generally located on the south side of Black Avenue, approximately <br />400 ft. east of Hopyard Road, said property described as Lota 9, 10 and 11, <br />Tract 3062. (Public Rearing continued from May 28, 1969 - referral from the <br />Board of Adjustment to the full Commission) <br />Chairman Garrigan opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director Castro explained <br />the staff report, concluding that the staff is still very much against the idea. <br />Mr. Frost, representing the applicant, spoke in defense of his development. <br />He referred to the objective of D. & V. Builders to construct housing for a <br />market not now reached, i.e., the young family not financially set. He also <br />felt that perhaps it would be wise to use these six model homes as a demonstration <br />area before actually going into complete construction of the Garden Court <br />development. He feels the pre-sales experience would be beneficial. To further <br />illustrate his argument, Mr. Frost demonstrated exhibits showing the various elevations. <br />Planning Director Castro maintained his position that to place an experimental <br />group of homes in this fashion in as area of higher priced homes would be detri- <br />mental; moreover, he was not convinced that the prices of the homes would in <br />fact be each that lower-income families would be in a position to qualify for <br />them. <br />Upon motion of Chairman Garrigan, seconded by Commissioner Antonini, and carried, <br />the Public Hearing was closed. <br />Commissioner Poas questioned Mr. Frost about his intention of using these six <br />model homes for the other 105 models projected for the Garden Court area. <br />Commissioner Pons questioned Mr. Frost on the timing, the reply was a savings of <br />about 12 weeks if they could get to it immediately, thereby eliminating construc- <br />tion during winter months. Mr. Frost stressed the point to the Commissioners <br />sad wanted it clearly understood that these three lots did not need to be split <br />into six as he had proposed. <br />Commissioner Antonini questioned the setbacks and the sidewalks. He made reference <br />to the Valley Trails development and suggested that perhaps the home he was <br />proposing would perhaps be better placed in the site that is now occupied by <br />the Valley Trails development. The reply was that the home in that location <br />would not sell. <br />Commissioner Pereira made reference to the garage size. He did refer to the <br />inadequacy of housing needs for the Valley and the role the Commissioners play in <br />the matter. <br />Commissioner Pona stated that he was disappointed at the prices of the homes, <br />however, he did check one other development and felt that the longer it took to <br />put the development over, the higher the prices go. He felt this proposal <br />should be considered in a favorable light. <br />Chairman Garrigan also felt that the time had come to put in some experimental <br />development, and to this end, is in favor of this new type of housing. <br />Upon motion of Chairman Garrigan, seconded by Commissioner Pona, and carried, the <br />following resolution was offered: <br />- 6 - <br />