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5. S~ecificationa and Standard Details - In accordance with Section 8.01 <br />of Ordinance No. 3Su, it ie requaated that the City Engineer be authorized <br />to modify the City's existing Standard Specifications and Details in <br />applying them to this subdivision in order to allow for modern materials, <br />methods and design criteria as may be required. Some specific recommend- <br />ations for each modificatioua are ae follows: <br />a. Specifications for sewer and water pipe should be modified to allow <br />newer type joints. <br />b. Specifications for street name signs should be modified to require <br />white reflectorized letters, block numbers and arrows on green <br />coated aluminum sheeting as previously approved by the Planning <br />Commission and City Council. <br />c. Reference should be made to the 1960 Standard Specifications of the <br />State Division of Highways, rather than the 1954 edition, particularly <br />with reference to roadway materials. <br />6. Storm Drainage Syatem - The following recommendations are made after reviewing <br />the detailed recommendations from the Alameda County Flood Control and Water <br />Gonaervation District. It is recoaaoended that the area southeast of the <br />green line as shown on Exhibit "A" of City Engineer's report to Planning Com- <br />mieaion should not be developed until the Arroyo del Valle Dam 1s functional <br />unless this Brea is drained to the northcrest in its natural drainage basin, <br />that all valley gut.~era be eliminat~r_,tvn'ras apccifi.rally allowed by the City <br />Engineer, that. naxi:^ :pacing an starat eater inlets be limited to 1000 feet, <br />that the developer prav~.3e and lnrta7.1 an autoxatiC gate and erosion control <br />apron at the outfall cs: of the 3~:i" R.C.P., that the developer clear the <br />channel bottr~n of the Arroyo del Valle from soave Eopyard Road to the Arroyo <br />de la Laguna and of the Pleasanton Canal from the holding area to the Arroyo <br />de la Laguna, to the satisfar_ties ot.' the City Engineer and the Alameda County <br />Flood Control and Wags C.~nservsticn District, that a 2 feet high, 6 feet wide <br />berm be constructed alc,~e t:.e red li.n~ shown on Exhibit "A" or lot grading <br />effected such that flording will t~ contained generally west of said red line, <br />that a 2 feet high, 6 feet wide berm be constructed along the downstream <br />channel and holding area ae shown on Exhibit "A" of City Engineer's report to <br />Planning Commission, that the downstream channel be constructed with a 3 feet <br />wide bottom rather than 2 feet wide, and that the developer provide a master <br />plan for storm drains orith drainage calculations for the entire tract and <br />tributary area as required by Ordinance 358. Final approval of the storm <br />drain system should be withheld until Chia information has been received and <br />approved by the City Engineer. <br />In addition to the above, occupancy of buildings on lots 1-3, 9-14, 20-25, 31-35, <br />371 and 373 will not be allowed until after the Arroyo del Valle Dam is <br />functional. The developer is hereby notified that this area may be subject <br />to floods until the dam is constructed and the City shall not be held liable <br />for damage to any structures built on these lots or on any other lots. <br />2. <br />