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1 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. Tire Cr.„nett*~ional I1ae Persdt is hereby granted aub,ject to the <br />following conditions: <br />a. Atl nA~u ~anr':c orr the structure in question muot conform <br />to all appiicable City ordinances and regulations. <br />b. The existing portion of said building which is to remain <br />shall be re-wired to conform completely to all applicable <br />City ordinances. <br />c. Ths detached acceazcry building on the rear of the pxoperty <br />rcnst be removed or dUuolished. <br />The next item on the agenda roes the application of Merle Ahern, 3713 Encline Way, <br />Belmont, California, for a Zoning Permit with Site Plan end Architectural Ap- <br />proval in order to construct 14 multiple units at 4795 Harrison Street in an RG-15 <br />District. Mr. Fales stated Lhat on July L0, 1963, Variance No. V-63-9 was approved <br />for a 5-foot reduction in required front yard setback. Zoning Permit No. Z-63-14 <br />was approved for 12 units on September 11, 1963. New application, No. Z-64-2, to <br />amend Zoning Permit No. Z-63-L4 by different applicant, for 14 unite, was denied <br />by the Planning Commission on February 13, 1964. With regard to the revised present <br />plan, lot area, number of units, front, side and rear yard setbacks, site width <br />and number of par!cing spaces are satisfactory. However, parking spaces are less <br />than LBO sq, ft. There was discussion by the applicant of allowing for £3'x22'' <br />parking spaces rather than 9'x20' par' spaces. City Engineer Campbell said <br />this would be agreeable to him, however, by increasing the length of the parking <br />spaces the aisles would be reduced, ar..d the width of the aiaZes must he maintained. <br />Discussion ensued with City At~orney Struthers regarding the possibility of pro- <br />viding some parking spaces of reduced area for compact care. P'r.. Struthers also <br />said if parking areas are not considered as og_n space by the Commission, then the <br />Ordinance should be changed. A,':ver consideration by the Commission, upon motion <br />of Cos~iseioner Rega, seconded by Commissioner Antonin , the following resolution <br />was adopted by unanimous vote of those Commissioners present: <br />RESOLL~TT,O*? NO. 276 <br />WHEREAS, tFae application of Merle Ahern, 3713 Encline Way, Belmont, <br />California, fora Zoning Permit with Site Plan and Architectural <br />Approval in order to cor.5truct 14 multiple units at 4795 Harrison Streer. <br />i.n an RC-15 District, has come before this Commission; <br />P,D?r, TY,EREPORE, BE "% <br />RESOLVED, that the City A'anning Commission does hereby grant the above- <br />nam°d 7,onino Permit with Site Plan and Architectural Approval <br />with the feAlo*uinp conditions attached thereto: <br />1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, submission of a <br />property survey, grading and drainage plan and landscape <br />glare :Eor City staff approval. <br />2. Revision of site plan to provide 21 full-sized parking <br />spaces a-1th adequate accer•s aisles, such revised plan <br />shill he a~nroved by the City Engineer. <br />3, f;~z.strecs•.ion of solid board fence or masonry wall 4 ft. to <br />5 ft. i.-r Y.eiaht along the rear property line and portions <br />of both aide property lines adjacent to parking as shown <br />on annotated plan. <br />4. Parking lot and access aisles be paved to City etaadarda <br />(minimum of Lr" asphalt concrete and 5" aggregate base). <br />5. ^':er etr.ip hA fille3 in with concrete to City standards, <br />ieavinp, a mini^rsm of 5 planter pockets and trees planted <br />therein in accordance with City tree planting specifications. <br />Species of tree shall be selected by the City Engineer. <br />6. Construction of driveway approaches to meet City standards. <br />