Chairman Antonini opened the public hearing on the application of Vineyard Terrace
<br />Development Company, P, 0, Box 157, Pleasanton, for a Variance from the front and
<br />side yard setback requirements, Ordinance No. 309, in order to allow construction
<br />of asingle-family dwelling at 512 Gerard Court, in an R-1 District. Mr. Campbell
<br />presented the staff report which recommended approval; but pointed out that the
<br />driveway being reduced from 20 feet to 15 feet in this case should not set a pre-
<br />cident for future applications. Mr. Walt Lund was present in the audience and
<br />stated that the house ie oriented on the lot in the manner shown on the plans be-
<br />cause the people interested in purchasing the home desire to have it placed on the
<br />lot ae shown. IIpon motion of Commissioner Plato, seconded by Commissioner Garrigan,
<br />and carried, the public hearing was closed. After further discussion, upon oration
<br />of Commissioner Garrigan, seconded by Chairman Antonini, the following resolution
<br />was adopted by unanimous vote.
<br />RESOLUTION N0. 620
<br />WHEREAS, the application of the Vineyard Terrace Development
<br />Company, P.O. Box 157, Pleasanton, for a Variance
<br />from the front and aide yard setback requirements,
<br />Ordinance No. 309, in order to allow construction of
<br />a single-family dwelling at 512 Gerard Court, in an
<br />R-1 District, has come before this Commission:
<br />RESOLVED: that the above-named application be approved.
<br />Chairman Antonini opened the public hearing on the application of Charles McGregor,
<br />4812 Harrison Street, for a Variance from Sections 8.500 and 17.302, Ordinance No.
<br />309, in order to construct an additional single-family dwelling on a lot located
<br />at the above address, in an RG-15 District. It was determined to consider the
<br />Zoning Permit connected with this same application concurrent with the Variance
<br />application. Mr. Campbell presented the staff reports which stated there were
<br />some existing conditions on this property which would have to remain and some
<br />conditions that would have to be corrected; such ae sidewalk, curb, and gutter,
<br />Mr, McGregor was present in the audience and concurred with the staff report. Upon
<br />motion of Commissioner Garrigan, seconded by Chairman Antonini, and carried, the
<br />public hearing was closed. After further discussion, upon motion of Chairman
<br />Antonini, seconded by Commissioner Garrigan, the following resolution was adopted
<br />by unanimous vote.
<br />RESOLUTION N0. 621
<br />WHEREAS, the application of Charles McGregor, 4812 Aarrison
<br />Street, for a Variance from Sections 8.500 and 17.302,
<br />Ordinance No. 309, in order to construct an additional
<br />single-family dwelling on a lot located at the above
<br />address, in an RG-15 District, has come before this
<br />Commission:
<br />RESOLVED: that the above-named application be approved for
<br />Variance from lot width, driveway width, and aide-
<br />yard setback, subject to the following conditions:
<br />1. Curb, gutter and sidewalk to be constructed to
<br />City standards.
<br />2. Drainage through sidewalk to be to City standards.
<br />3, Off street parking paved to City standards.
<br />After further discussion, upon motion of Chairman Antonini, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Plato, and carried, it was determined that the above named Zoning Permit be approved
<br />with the same conditions.
<br />Chairman Antonini opened the public hearing on the application of the Pleasanton
<br />Church of Christ for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 12.301, Ordinance No.
<br />309, in order to conduct church services at 4294 Stanley Boulevard, in a C-T Dis-
<br />trict. Mr. Campbell presented the staff report which recommended approval with a
<br />possible time limit. The applicant was present in the audience and stated that
<br />the use would be a temporary use. Upon motion of Chairman Antonini, seconded by
<br />2.
<br />