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PC 07/24/68
City of Pleasanton
PC 07/24/68
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PC 07/24/68
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for the 3-acre minimum is that no specific development plans have been submitted <br />by any of the property owners previously mentioned. We feel that the 3-acre <br />minimum should qualify most industrial developments wanting to locate in the <br />area. We further would advise the Commission, as we have advised same of the <br />property owners, that it is not the intent of this department to hold any of <br />these properties in question Co the 3-acre minimum; that if and when precise <br />development plane are submitted by the respective land owners, that the zoning, <br />ae such, could vary from the I-G 20,000 aq.ft, minimum to the 3-acre minimum or <br />larger if such request is made at that time. <br />The properties which consist of the Oakland Latter Day Saints and the J. A. <br />Nielsen Properties, we are recommending that those properties be recommended for <br />the I-P, Planned Industrial District. <br />Zn regard to the remaining properties, which consist of Park View Land Company, <br />J. & J. Nevis, J. Lima and those properties which front on both sides of <br />Tassajara Road, this department feels that at this time we would prefer to retain <br />the properties in an agricultural district. For the most part, the smaller <br />parcels which front on both sides of Tassajara, will probably be used in the same <br />manner as the properties that they are adjacent to, either commercial or multi- <br />ple residences. We have further a request from Mr. William H. Gale, Jr., <br />representing the Lima-Nevis property fronting on Santa Rita Road and they have <br />requested that their property be retained in the agricultural zone since this <br />will be the use of the property until it is sold, probably within the next year <br />or so. This department would concur with that request, since we also have <br />specific studies to make in regard to the future realignment of the Tassajara <br />Creek. At this time, it is not known whether such realignment is feasible. If <br />it isn't, then the Tassajara Creek and the Southern Pacific Railroad should <br />definitely create a physical barrier for the properties in question and from the <br />further expansion of industrial land into those two subject properties. <br />The San Ramon Village Company representative, Mr. Bob Brown, requested a two-acre <br />minimum for those parcels fronting on Hopyard Road. The Co~iasion felt that <br />with the exception of those lots fronting on Hopyard, the remaining land of the <br />San Ramon Village Company should be recommended as 3-acre minimum, and if and when <br />development plane are finalized and submitted, then recommendation to split the <br />properties as they want it should be made at that time. The Planning Director <br />noted that there is no provision for 2-acre minimum sites at this time but that <br />the 1-acre minimum could be combined to create 2-acre minimum lots. Mr. Brown <br />stated that he represents Hopyard Investment Company, Freeway Industrial Invest- <br />ment Company, Qualified Investments, Inc., and ESI Investment Company. Mr. Brown <br />further stated that this company is in agreement with everything except the <br />3-acre minimum lot size fronting on Hopyard Road. Mr.''.Brown advised the <br />Commission that in 1966 they received tentative map approval for 2-acre parcels <br />on Hopyard and southerly on Highway 50, from Alameda County. Mr. Brown also <br />advised the Commission that hie company currently has an offer from an industrial <br />developer for 2-acre lots. It would cause hardship to them to have 3-acre lots <br />apply at this time. There is no problem in combining the acreage to make <br />2-acre sites. This was the opinion of the Planning Commission. <br />Mr. Ted Slosek, 490 Pinehill Lane (T. H. Zeanah) objected. He stated that approxi- <br />mately two years ago, he approached the City with the request to annex that <br />portion of the City in time. He recalled that after a City survey, certain <br />homeowners in the arc?a`wera-not interested, but Slosek went ahead and purchased <br />said parcel as commercial zoning. One pertinent fact he pointed out was that <br />following eatabliehment of zoning in the area approximately a year ago, the City <br />proceeded to establish new width lines for street widening. The Tassajara <br />alignment was programmed for widening to some six lanes, consequently, about <br />30 percent of Mr. Sloaek's property was reserved or "confiscated" by the City. <br />Mr. Castro explained where other property was also zoned for commercial use, <br />which was a cabinet shop known as the Roae property. It was motioned that the <br />Public Hearing be closed. <br />Commissioner Gibbs remarked that it seemed this property should be given con- <br />sideration in light of its history. Commissioner Plato stated that the <br />Commission may give consideration to T. H. Zeanah's request. It was further <br />pointed out that this parcel surrounding Tassajara was zoned "A" and nothing <br />can be done until these people have something specific for their parcels, at <br />which time they can apply for zoning of their property. <br />RESOLUTION N0. 795 <br />WHEREAS, Application of the Planning Commission for an amendment <br />to Ordinance No. 520 to consider the final zoning for <br />those properties described within Annexation ~k56. Said <br />annexation containing approximately 1,828 scree, has <br />come before this Commission, <br />
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