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64. The project developer shall keep the site free of fire hazards from the start of <br />construction until the final inspection. <br />65. Any project developer, business owner, or tenant storing and/or using hazardous <br />materials within a building covered by this approval, shall post National Fire <br />Protection (NFP) 704 identification on the building and/or tenancy according to <br />the City's "Hazardous Materials Identification Sign" procedures. <br />66. Prior to any construction framing, the project developer shall provide adequate <br />fire protection facilities, including, but not limited to surface roads, fire hydrants, <br />and a water supply and water flow in conformance to the City's Fire Department <br />Standards able to suppress a major fire. <br />67. All curbs located with aseven-foot, six-inch radius of a public/private fire hydrant <br />shall be painted red, unless, modified by the Fire Chief. Blue street "hydrant <br />markers" shall be installed for all fire hydrants per City of Pleasanton Standard <br />Specifications. <br />68. All portions of the buildings covered by this approval including future tenant <br />spaces shall have installed and operating, fire extinguishers with a minimum <br />2-A:10-B:C rating. The fire extinguishers shall be located within a 75-foot radius <br />of each other. <br />Hazardous Materials Use, Storage, and Waste Treatment: <br />69. The property or business owner shall submit a complete list of all hazardous and <br />combustible materials, including solids, liquids and gases, including biologics, to <br />the Fire Chief at least two weeks prior to submitting the building permit plan set <br />and/or the tenant improvement plan set. The list shall include all materials with <br />technical and common names, the maximum amounts to be stored, the materials' <br />Fire Code classification for the materials, whether the materials will be stored or <br />used in an open or closed environment, and the Material Safety Data Sheets for <br />all hazardous materials. <br />70. The property or business owner shall submit to the Fire Chief calculations, which <br />show the concentration of the worst-case spill from the most toxic and/or <br />hazardous material released at the point of discharge to the atmosphere. The <br />discharge calculation shall show the percentage of the "Immediately Dangerous <br />to Life and Health (IDLH) concentration limit that is being released, to show the <br />maximum exposure level that could possibly be discharged from this facility. If <br />this level is unacceptable in terms of risk to the public's health and safety, a <br />scrubber for the ventilation system shall be installed, subject to the review and <br />approval of the Fire Chief and Chief Building Official. <br />Page 14 of 21 <br />