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Attachment 5 <br />Polices and Programs Originally in the Energy Element <br />to be Considered in Other Elements of the General Plan <br />The following Policies and Programs should be considered in the Land Use Element: <br />Polity 15: Integrate energy efficiency, energy conservation, and energy self-sufficiency measures into <br />land use planning. <br />Program 15.1: When reviewing development projects (especially in areas where there is <br />likely to be the most change and the greatest impact can be made, e.g., East side of <br />Pleasanton, and Hacienda development/redevelopment areas), consider how the following <br />will impact transportation and all other energy use: density, neighborhood design, <br />proximity to transit, proximity to shopping/employment, walkability, street layout, and <br />construction techniques (green building). <br />Program 15.2: When reviewing development projects, review transportation energy <br />efficiency measures alongside level of service standards. Develop a methodology to <br />accomplish this and then adopt it. <br />Program 15.5: Consider using software tools to assist in the evaluation of the energy <br />efficienry of development proposals. <br />Program 21.7: Support more locally serving shopping opportunities so that people do not <br />have to drive far to purchase goods. <br />Program 20.2: Encourage people who live in Pleasanton to work in Pleasanton. <br />The following Policies and Proaxams should be considered in the Circulation Element <br />Polity 18: In cooperation with the Pleasanton Unified School District explore ways to reduce auto <br />traffic related to schools. <br />Program 18.1: Working with the Pleasanton Unified School District, plan safe and pleasant <br />bicycle and wallung routes to school, and organize programs to promote their use. <br />Program 18.2: Encourage the use of fuel efficient school buses. <br />Policy 19: Coordinate with the different transportation agencies in and near Pleasanton to enhance the <br />transportation system and create a seamless transportation system. <br />Program 19.1: Work with the San Joaquin Rail Commission to improve ACE service. <br />Program 19.2: Reconsider "City Car" (car sharing) at the Pleasanton BART station as part <br />of any future plan to add residential development in the area. <br />Program 19.3: Work with Wheels to improve the scheduling and coordination efficienry of <br />the Wheels bus system. <br />