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Policy 21: Promote walking and bicycling. <br />Program 21.1: Require appropriate bicycle related improvements as a condition of site <br />development, design review, subdivision or building permit approval, and for City street- <br />widening projects. <br />Program 21.2: Build more City (public) stands fox locking birycles. <br />Program 21.3: Develop and implement an overall plan for bicycle use as an alternative <br />way to get to work, school, shopping, recreational facilities and transit stops. <br />Program 21.4: Consider creating a birycle-sharing program. <br />See Program 18.1, above. <br />Program 21.6: Perform a comprehensive review of factors to improve the walkability and <br />safety of pedestrian corridors. <br />The following Program should be considered in the Noise Element: <br />Program 8.3: Develop a mechanical drive engine ordinance that would establish noise <br />limits fox engines, such as electricity generators. [Move to the Noise Element] <br />Page 2 June 22, 2005 <br />