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WIND ENERGY <br />Electricity produced when wind power is captured by turbines and converted into <br />electricity. <br />~ With the exception of the words "reliability" and "sustainable", the glossary definitions are from the <br />Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (see http://www.crest.orel, the California <br />Energy Commission (see http•// log ssarv), the Department of Energy (see <br />http•//www ~nl Gov/techguide/32.pdf), and the American Heritage Dictionary (see <br />httn•//www education yahoo corn/reference/dictionary/entries) . A few definitions have been edited for <br />grammatical reasons and to make them more consistent with Pleasanton's Draft Energy Plan. <br />z The first sentence describing the term "reliability" is from the Center for Renewable Energy and <br />Sustainable Technology. The second sentence is from Pleasanton's Energy Advisory Group. <br />s The definition of "sustainable" is from the United Nations World Commission on Environment and <br />Development (see http://www.unido.orel. <br />Page 4 <br />