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DRAf'T PR19T'T DRAFT <br />Program 11:2: Identify and attempt to remove or reconcile barriers or <br />impediments to market-driven conservation measures when consistent with <br />the City's Energy Plan. <br />Reliable Power <br />Policy 12: Strive to meet peak electricity and natural gas needs and assure reliable power. <br />Program 12.1: Work to increase the use of distributed generation technologies <br />that are consistent with the Generator Siting Ordinance. <br />City Facilities and Equipment <br />Policy 13: Reduce the City government's energy demand. <br />Program 13.1: Develop a comprehensive program to reduce City government <br />energy consumption. <br />Program 13.2: Make the City a model by increasing the insulation and <br />weatherization of its facilities, whenever possible. <br />Program 13.3: Improve coordination between the school district and the City <br />regarding the energy management of facilities. <br />Program 13.4: Purchase hybrid or other energy efficient vehicles, when the <br />City is replacing older vehicles. <br />Local Control <br />Policy 14: Achieve more local control of energy decisions. <br />Program 14.1: Perform a feasibility study for a Community Choice <br />Aggregation or a similar program. <br />Program 14.2: If the City creates or joins a Community Choice Aggregation <br />program or a similar program, ensure that ratepayers are not compelled to pay <br />for non-energy related costs which are not directly associated with the energy <br />program, and ensure that ratepayers have the option of changing energy <br />providers at their own discretion. <br />Program 14.3: Evaluate opportunities for purchasing and/or developing wind <br />power projects in the Altamont Pass and other areas. Work with the Alameda <br />County Waste Management Authority and others to explore joint venture <br />opportunities for wind power. This could be part of a Community Choice <br />Aggregation program or similar program. <br />Page 11 <br />April 19, 2005 <br />