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westbound free right turn lane from Stanley Boulevard to Valley Avenue. The <br />engineering plans for this improvement are being reviewed by City staff. <br />For the remaining impacted intersections listed in Table 3 of the Dowling report <br />(pp. 9-10), the applicant is required to pay City traffic mitigation fees (TIF) and Tri-Valley <br />Transportation Council fees -estimated to be approximately $2,000,000. These funds <br />will be used to construct improvements at these intersections identified above. These <br />fees are in addition to the construction of the Stanley BoulevardNalley Avenue/Bernal <br />Avenue intersection improvements, as well as the construction of the traffic signal at the <br />intersection of Bernal Avenue and Utah Street (discussed below). <br />The applicant's payment of traffic fees along with the construction of the <br />StanleyNalley/Bernal intersection improvements and installation of the traffic signal at <br />Bernal Avenue and Utah Street implements General Plan Circulation Element policies. <br />Future EI Charro Road/Stanley Boulevard Intersection <br />As conditioned, the property owner will participate in the establishment of an <br />improvement district for the EI Charro Road/Stanley Boulevard intersection and will pay <br />the development's pro-rata share of the intersection's costs. The EI Charro <br />Road/Stanley Boulevard intersection is part of the future EI Charro Road roadway <br />alignment connecting I-580 to Stanley Boulevard, thereby bypassing Santa Rita Road <br />and Valley Avenue. The configuration of EI Charro Road and the design of the future <br />intersection will be determined as part of the future East Pleasanton Specific Plan. <br />However, this project's share of those costs would be relatively small based upon its <br />land area - 15.91 acres -and the estimated East Pleasanton Specific Plan area - <br />500 acres. The applicant has reviewed and accepted this requirement. <br />Valley Avenue Traffic Levels, Noise, and Noise Attenuating Pavement Material <br />Valley Avenue neighbors have expressed their concerns regarding the proposed project <br />and its impact to the Valley Avenue traffic levels and traffic noise. Although the total <br />delay added to the intersections along Valley Avenue is generally shown to be less than <br />one second, the neighbors living in the Valley Avenue developments have expressed <br />concern with traffic safety, noise, and speeding due to existing and project-generated <br />traffic volumes on Valley Avenue. <br />Based upon the neighborhood comments made at the public hearing on truck traffic and <br />traffic noise on Valley Avenue, the City is modifying its Pavement Management <br />Schedule to include resurfacing the portion of Valley Avenue between Santa Rita Road <br />and Busch Road with noise-attenuating material before occupancy of the first building <br />covered by this approval. The applicant is required to the pay to the City the cost <br />difference between the noise-attenuating material and standard pavement material. <br />The applicant has reviewed and accepted this requirement. <br />As conditioned, the route for Home Depot delivery vehicles and construction <br />equipment/materials to/from this development shall be State Route 84 and Stanley <br />Page 11 of 22 <br />