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Boulevard. No construction traffic of any type may use Valley Avenue and/or Bernal <br />Avenue south of Nevada Court for any reason. <br />Stoneridge Drive Extension <br />At its May 1ST meeting, the City Council voted unanimously to maintain the Stoneridge <br />Drive extension in the Circulation Element of the Pleasanton General Plan. The City <br />Council's decision was based on its review of the traffic model results which showed <br />that at the General Plan build-out, the Stoneridge Drive extension would result in a <br />redistribution of traffic flow and some easing of congestion on heavily traveled routes <br />including Stanley Boulevard. For example, with the Stoneridge Drive extension, build- <br />out of the Preferred General Plan resulted in a PM volume of 4,950 trips on Stanley <br />Boulevard compared to 5,220 trips without the extension. <br />Bicycle Lanes <br />As conditioned, bicycle lanes are required to be installed in the street rights-of-way <br />along the Bernal Avenue and the Stanley Boulevard project frontages with the <br />improvements to the Stanley Boulevard/Valley Avenue/Bernal Avenue intersection. <br />Adding the bike lane to Stanley Boulevard will require relocating the existing P.G. & E. <br />power pole. The power pole is presently 50 feet from the median island in Stanley <br />Boulevard. Four, 12-foot wide vehicle lanes and one, 6-foot wide bicycle lane, however, <br />require 54 feet. Hence, the pole must be moved to accommodate the recommended <br />street widening in a manner that would provide for the efficient function of the through, <br />merge, and bike lanes on the east leg of this intersection. <br />Project Access <br />Two points of access will be provided to the site from Bernal Avenue: <br />• A signalized driveway providing left-/right-turn access from/to Bernal Avenue will <br />be located opposite Utah Street. <br />• Aright-turn only driveway to Bernal Avenue will be located midway between Utah <br />Street and Nevada Court. <br />Two points of access will be provided to the site from Stanley Boulevard: <br />• Right-turn ingress/egress only to/from Stanley Boulevard will be located midway <br />between Bernal Avenue and the easternmost property line. <br />• Right-turn ingress/egress and left-turn only ingress from Stanley Boulevard into <br />the site will be provided at the easternmost project driveway. The left-turn from <br />Stanley Boulevard will require a median island opening. <br />Page 12 of 22 <br />