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PUD-81-35, Joe Madden <br />Application of Joe Madden for Planned Unit Development zoning (PUD <br />Commercial and Offices) and determination of uses allowed for an <br />approximately 13.7 acre site located at the northwest corner of <br />Stanley Boulevard and First Street. Zoning for the property is <br />A (Agricultural) District. The Planning Commission may recommend <br />any zoning for the property consistent with the General Plan. A <br />negative declaration of environmental impacts was also considered. <br />Mr. Harris explained the staff report recommending approval with some <br />changes to Mr. Madden's proposed list of uses. <br />Chairperson Getty asked how you could have auto renting and sales <br />without providing service. Mr. Harris said there are businesses <br />which provide this service. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Joe Madden, 3851 Vineyard Avenue, stated he agrees with the staff <br />report. <br />Commissioner Wilson asked Mr. Madden if he agrees with the changes to <br />proposed uses as recommended by the staff. Mr. Madden responded that <br />he does concur. Commissioner Wilson indicated that by getting proper <br />zoning and making the property conform to the General Plan might <br />make it easier for Mr. Madden to negotiate with the Southern Pacific <br />people sometime in the future. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked Mr. Madden if he agrees with condition <br />number 2 regarding access. Mr. Madden indicated he does. <br />Earl Augusta, 3963 Stanley Boulevard, spoke. He said obviously the <br />prezoning or planning of the 13 acre site would be an improvement over <br />what is there now. He said he understands that no improvement plans <br />have been submitted. He said zoning without a specific development <br />plan is very unfortunate. He said it allows a potential buyer the <br />maximum leverage. He said that under these circumstances he reminds <br />everyone that this is still a residential area which can be severely <br />impacted by a poorly laid out plan. He indicated that his property <br />previously has been changed from the C-S to the R-1-20,000 District. <br />He said he would like his property protected in some manner. He <br />asked that the 35 ft. right-of-way be restricted from being used <br />as an inlet or outlet. He asked that no building be allowed develop- <br />ment along this strip. He said the strip is narrow. Chairperson <br />Getty told Mr. Augusta that this matter would be addressed further <br />down the line with development plan submittal. Mr. Augusta indicated <br />he had talked to Richard Glenn with regard to suggesting modifications <br />so that access would not be allowed. Mr. Glenn stated that the <br />Planning Commission, in the past, has put conditions on zoning appli- <br />cations. <br />-14- <br /> <br />