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7. That front yard landscaping including sprinkler <br />system, for all units shall be provided by <br />developer. <br />17. That all guest parking spaces be striped and <br />provided with wheel stops unless they are fronted <br />by concrete curbs, in which case sufficient areas <br />shall be provided beyond the. ends of all parking <br />spaces to accommodate the overhang of automobiles. <br />37. That the property owners shall request that the <br />City enforce parking and other traffic regulations <br />on all streets within the project. <br />Commissioner Wilson said he would have to vote no as he is not <br />satisfied with the width of the streets. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: Commissioners Doherty, Lindsey and Chairperson Getty <br />Noes: Commissioners Jamieson and Wilson <br />Resolution No. 2119 was then entered and adopted recommending approval <br />of case PUD-81-34 as motioned. <br />RZ-81-21, City of Pleasanton <br />Application of the City of Pleasanton to prezone an approximately <br />48 acre parcel located at the eastern terminus of Crellin Road to <br />the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Low Density Residential/Open <br />Space District with approximately 9 acres as Low Density Residential <br />and the remaining approximately 39 acres as Open Space (Public Health <br />and Safety). The Planning Commission may recommend any zoning for <br />the property consistent with the General Plan. <br />Nir. Harris reviewed the staff report recommending approval. He <br />stated that the City Attorney's office has suggested that the <br />entire 48 acre parcel have one zoning district on it and not 9 acres <br />and 39 acres as indicated. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Art Dunkley, Castlewood Properties, Inc. represented Mutual Land <br />Company stating they concurred with the staff report. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Doherty that RZ-81-21 be recommended for approval subject to the <br />conditions of the staff report but that the entire 48 acres be <br />prezoned to Planned Unit Development-Low Density Residential/Open <br />Space (Public Health and Safety) District. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: Commissioners Doherty, Jamieson, Lindsey, Wilson and <br />Chairperson Getty <br />Noes: None <br />Resolution No. 2120 was then entered and adopted recommending <br />approval of case RZ-81-21 as motioned. <br />-13- <br /> <br />