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Commissioner Doherty asked if a new plan was submitted. Mr. Geremia <br />said they did not submit a new plan. He explained the future plans <br />for the property. <br />Commissioner Wilson asked how long Mr. Rethers has been working at this <br />location. Mr. Geremia indicated Mr. Rethers has been working there <br />for about five months. Commissioner Wilson asked Mr. Geremia if he <br />had ever had any complaints with regard to the use and Mr. Geremia said <br />he had not. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked if the body shop was next to the apart- <br />ment complex. Commissioner Doherty asked if the use is relocated <br />generally to the back of the property would staff amend their <br />recommendation? Mr. Harris said the further away you remove the <br />activity from the apartments the better it will be. He said actually <br />it is the body shop that would cause the noise. <br />Mr. Geremia indicated more noise is generated by the Geremia business <br />than the applicant's proposal. He said the noise would be minimal <br />with the bamboo fence. Commissioner Jamieson asked about the noise <br />created when fenders are being straightened. He explained that <br />there was a similar business in town and the residential neighbors <br />were offended by the noise and activity going on at that location. <br />Mr. Geremia said that basically body work on automobiles is done <br />with bondo and sanding and very little noise. He further said <br />that his father has very definite thoughts for future plans and <br />development of the area. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked what would happen to Rethers' business <br />at that time. Mr. Geremia indicated they would probably move him <br />out into a new proposed warehouse. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />Chairperson Getty asked if the Health Department has been asked to <br />look at the proposal. Mr. Harris said no. She then asked if the <br />property was on sewer or septic tanks? Mr. Warnick said they could <br />hook up to sewer. <br />Commissioner Lindsey said he couldn't approve the location of the <br />spray booth and recommended that the applicant come back with a <br />revised plan as discussed. <br />Mr. Harris indicated that a motion might be made to approve the use <br />but that the building is to come back before the Design Review Board. <br />Commissioner Wilson suggested that the conditional use permit be <br />set for a given period of time and feels inasmuch as this is the <br />second month the applicant has come before the Planning Commission, <br />he should be given an opportunity to perform. <br />-8- <br />..........T ....... .......__.. _ ,. <br />