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C. J. Busso, resident of the mobile home park adjacent to the <br />proposal represented the Board of Directors of the existing Mobile <br />Home Park, and urged approval of the Parish proposal on the part <br />of the Board of Directors. He said his personal comment regarding <br />the streets is that he is happy they are widened. He urged that the <br />streets be maintained by the City. <br />Nancy Storch, 3193 Chardonnay, spoke. She said that units for <br />families should be next to shopping centers, schools, etc. and <br />didn't believe the area appropriate for the development. She said <br />she couldn't support the project unless it is for adults only or <br />can accommodate children. She further said she would like to see <br />sidewalks on all streets. She said sidewalks are currently only one <br />half way around the area. She said she would like to see four lots <br />or two acres dedicated for a park. <br />Commissioner Lindsey said he would hate to see the sales price of <br />the units increased because of such changes. <br />Mr. Parish reviewed the cost of the units as originally proposed <br />and now with the current application. He said it has added 3-4~ to <br />the cost of the single-family units and about 7~ to the duplexes. <br />He indicated no product will go up until Spring 1983. <br />Commissioner Doherty said it is very apparent that the neighbors in <br />the lower Vintage Hills area feel they need a park. He said perhaps <br />the Commission could politely request via a letter that the Park <br />and Recreation Commission consider putting a park in the general <br />vicinity of Chardonnay if they see the wisdom to do so. Commissioner <br />Jamieson asked what would happen if the project was approved without <br />a park -- he said he liked Commissioner Wilson's idea of taking <br />park dedication fees and buying a 5 acre area for a park but knows <br />that can't be done so he believes they will have to have a park <br />within the boundary of the property much bigger than what is being <br />proposed so far. Chairperson Getty said that realistically, <br />children play in the cul-de-sacs and streets in her area with a park <br />right across the street. Commissioner Jamieson rebutted stating <br />that most of the parks in the City are used regularly. He <br />further stated he wants to see a park to accommodate the congestion <br />of the area. Commissioner Lindsey spoke to the land dedication <br />as causing the homeowners to pay more for the units. Commissioner <br />Wilson said that this would cause some people not to qualify for <br />loans. He said if the Planning Commission can recommend a park <br />in the area and a dollar park dedication fee to be used in the <br />area, they should do so. Mr. Harris indicated that this matter was <br />discussed with the Park and Recreation Commission about nine months <br />ago but couldn't recall the Park and Recreation Commission putting a <br />park in this area as a priority item. <br />-13- <br /> <br />