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<br />Commissioner Doherty expressed concerns with this regard stating <br />that the Park and Recreation Commission has definite ideas where <br />parks should be. He .said this matter should be referred to that <br />Commission for review as this is their jurisdiction. Mr. Harris <br />said this matter has not been discussed with the Park and <br />Recreation Commission and this was mentioned to Mr. Hirst earlier. <br />Mr. Hirst said they don't have a problem with a condition 'additional <br />usable recreation space to be provided at or close to the existing <br />facilities to be appropriated by mutual agreement with credit in <br />park dedication fees and that this matter can be worked out at the <br />subdivision process'. He said this would afford both agencies <br />involvement and reserve to the City the right to effect imposition <br />and offer assurances to the neighbors. He said they are willing <br />to participate in working something out but do not want this <br />matter to hold up the processing of this application as they wish <br />to participate in the Growth Management Program. <br />Chairperson Getty indicated that at the last time there was a <br />4/1/82 deadline or else the project wouldn't go forward. <br />Commissioner Jamieson agreed stating that it again seems to him <br />they are being pushed. <br />Commissioner Doherty spoke to residents forcing the developer to <br />provide a park area over which they have no jurisdiction (this <br />being the jurisdiction of the Park and Recreation Commission). <br />Commissioner Wilson said it would be better for the City to get <br />fees from the developer and put a park somewhere else and not in <br />a private development. Commissioner Jamieson concurred that the <br />Park and Recreation Commission should have a chance at this. <br />Chairperson Getty said this is private property and in no way should <br />the Park and Recreation Commission be involved in private property <br />and that this would be for the sole use of the residents. <br />Commissioner Wilson said it would be better not to have the park <br />within the development and instead get the park dedication fee of <br />$1600 per unit and put the park somewhere else. <br />David Ash, 615 Orofino Court, urged a park be put in the area. <br />especially in view of all of the residential development proposed <br />for the area. James Griffin, 3036 Chardonnay, was concerned <br />with the small amount of open space provided in the development <br />for the children. He said without additional open space or parks <br />he couldn't support the development. Commissioner Wilson asked <br />him what he would think about a five acre park on the west side <br />of the development. Mr. Griffin stated he didn't think this would <br />be an ideal place because of slope of the property making the area <br />a difficult place to patrol. He said there would be activity <br />going in the park that one couldn't patrol because it would be off <br />in a corner. <br />-12- <br /> <br />