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Hopyard and 64 dBA is not acceptable. He urged more time be allowed <br />for the City to vote on this proposal. <br />David Eller, 3797 Oregon Way, Livermore, started to speak on the <br />development plan and it was suggested by the Chairperson that he <br />address this matter at the public hearing for the proposed planned <br />unit development. <br />Robert Reid: Felt it might be helpful if someone addressed the Com- <br />mission who was involved with the General Plan since its inception. <br />He indicated he had been one of the original 100 person committee <br />appointed by the City to work out the future plans of the City. He <br />said to his knowledge there had been two subsequent committees formed. <br />He indicated that it is gratifying for this kind of project to come to <br />the City because all three committees' recommendations with regard to <br />this area are as currently proposed. He said it is to the City's <br />advantage to deal with one developer as opposed to dealing with a number <br />of developers. He indicated the people of Pleasanton would benefit <br />from this project. He further said the developer will have to adhere <br />to the conditions set forth. <br />Dagmar Fulton: She indicated she used to own many acres of where <br />Pleasanton Valley subdivision is now located. She said they didn't <br />necessarily want the increase of people at this location and they <br />are not now living at this location because of them. She said she <br />becomes annoyed when she hears residents saying they would like to keep <br />Pleasanton the way it was. She said if it were kept the way it was no <br />one would be here. She said long before there was a General Plan, her <br />brother and father were on the City Council as well as other local <br />agencies. She said it is unfortunate that people come here with the <br />idea that they alone should dictate what happens to the City and that <br />the town will grow. She said before there was ever a General Plan the <br />area of north Pleasanton was set aside for industrial and commercial and <br />that her family was encouraged to have her family property on the east side <br />of Santa Rita Road become industrial and commercial and they refused; <br />thus, residential development took place. She said as a matter of fact <br />that the proposal was for gravel excavating. She said the General Plan <br />is not cast in concrete but is a guide for the people. She indicated <br />that with regard to the Hacienda development it is great that it will <br />be spaced over an approximately 25 year period. She then said that there <br />is no more agricultural in the Valley. She urged approval of the <br />Hacienda Business Park and stated 'let's get on with the City's needs <br />with a better tax base.' <br />Susan McKee: She indicated that she respects Mrs. Fulton's views but <br />does not agree with her on several points. She said when you tinker <br />with the General Plan mistakes can be made and if changes are necessary <br />the proposal should be brought before a larger body of people. She <br />stated that it is the goal of the General Plan to have a balanced land <br />use to protect the residential growth of the City. She stated she <br />believes the Hacienda interchange should be built prior to any develop- <br />ment and the use of Johnson Drive employed. Mrs. McKee further had <br />-7- <br /> <br />