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will ignore the valid concerns brought before them tonight. She <br />commented on all of the various studies done on the project. She said <br />the developer would not get approval for their proposal without addressing <br />the environmental concerns brought up. She said the decision to be made <br />is an easy one and that the long term residents of Pleasanton will have <br />a balanced community with a stable economic base. <br />Sharrell Michelotti: She addressed concerns with the proposed inter- <br />change of Las Positas. She said she was very happy to hear the developer's <br />priority number one was to improve Hopyard Road and number two was to <br />provide the Hacienda interchange with improvement to West Las Positas <br />somewhere down the line -- perhaps 30 years. She stated she talked to <br />Caltrans and they said Las Positas will be a two way overcrossing. She <br />said the project engineer for Caltrans was very happy to tell her it <br />would only be a two lane overcrossing and that bids are going out within <br />a week and work will be started two-three months after bids go out. She <br />asked why the City would want to make Las Positas coming from Santa Rita <br />Road six lanes and from Hopyard Road four lanes and asked how they would <br />merge to the two lane over crossing? She said she asked Caltrans this <br />question and the answer was the business park was asked by the City <br />to go to four lanes. She said the project engineer told her this was <br />not on the schedule. She said she has been advised that if this were <br />to come to pass it would be subject to the public hearing and environ- <br />mental review. She said the $1.5 million set aside for Las Positas <br />used the City's gasoline tax dollars while chuck holes in streets are <br />not filled because of this pet project. She asked the Commission to <br />consider this. She said an overcrossing to help the high school <br />children is fine but a 4/6 lane major freeway to Livermore is not what <br />the people really want. <br />Mr. Warnick stated that the Las Positas project is currently underway <br />providing two lanes of traffic and a bike lane. He explained the funding <br />of the project. He said this would be added to at a later date and would <br />have to have an EIR/EIS with public review on the project. Regarding <br />traffic he said if it goes to the full 90~ build out the interchange <br />will be required by 1995. <br />George Severe: Indicated he has worked and been in town for 17 years. <br />He said if everyone took this negative attitude, no one would be living <br />in a subdivision. He urged the Commission to think about this. He <br />said revenue earnings would help provide better police and response time <br />and perhaps turn on street lights. He asked the Commission to look at <br />this and give the developer a chance. <br />Wayne Myers: Spoke to children crossing Las Positas to get to school <br />and that as planned the children would have to cross 12 lanes of <br />traffic and asked if any provision has been made for a pedestrian <br />overcrossing. He addressed Item #4 General Plan proposal indicating <br />Hopyard is wide enough now at the interchange and it is very difficult <br />to get off Hopyard as it is now. He said this size development should <br />be put before the people. <br />Mr. Myers addressed Item #6 of the proposal also relating to Noise <br />Impact standards. He said his house is a two-story backing onto <br />-6- <br /> <br />