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there would be a gap between the fences areas of the residences and <br />the soundwall which would allow a perfect place for escaped convicts <br />to hide. She discussed the foliage already established and the money <br />to uproot trees and asked if any consideration has been given to this. <br />Chairperson Getty responded that this item would be covered under develop- <br />ment plan. Ms. Johnson then spoke to the change proposed for noise <br />levels stating all of the homes are two stories and an 8 ft. soundwall <br />will not work. She said she cannot imagine six lanes of traffic. She <br />said children ride bikes on Santa Rita Road and had concerns with this <br />problem with regard to traffic. She asked if an EIR was done with <br />regard to this project and Chairperson Getty responded this was included <br />in the EIR. <br />Jackie Sullivan: Represented the Oakhill Homeowners Association. She <br />read from the Draft EIR which stated, in brief, that the small town <br />activities would change and said they are not sure they want a change. <br />Their group had specific concerns with noise levels and air polluting <br />emissions and said she would like the project continually monitored <br />with regard to these concerns as well as sewer enabling the City to <br />have control to stop the project when it is effecting the lives of <br />its citizens. <br />Jay Raimondi: Mr. Raimondi stated he represents the Board Members of <br />the Pleasanton Homeowners Association. He had concerns in looking at <br />the size of the land proposed for change to that of total Pleasanton <br />generating a lot of taxes. He said it appears to them that the <br />Hacienda proposal will be creating a lot of inconvenience for home <br />owners in Pleasanton and the Meadows feels the area will be another <br />silicon valley and do not wish an Oakland-San Francisco type of life <br />style. He spoke to EPA noise standards stating he doesn't find them <br />acceptable and if other communities do, all is well and good but would <br />like the standards reduced by at least two points for Pleasanton. He <br />said it is unfair for the Police Department to enforce regulations which <br />will be difficult to enforce. <br />John Stevens: Indicated he believes in free marketing and property <br />rights. He said, however, that the benefits to Pleasanton have been <br />greatly exaggerated:- He said the project changes the entire character- <br />istic of Pleasanton and creates an unbalanced community. He asked <br />that the people be given an additional month for an educational program <br />of the project. He said the project is too large by at least one-half. <br />Lee Henderson: He spoke to the 1976 General Plan established by the <br />people. He said a great deal of effort went into it. He stated one <br />cannot change the General Plan without requiring an EIR and that the <br />City will have to back down. He suggested the three surrounding cities <br />get together and establish how much smog will be generated. He suggested <br />Prudential move their project to the empty GM plant in Fremont. <br />Debra Strong, Chamber of Commerce, stated that whether or not Pru- <br />dential builds their project there will be significant development on <br />the property and Pleasanton has a unique opportunity now to control <br />the site with one developer. She said she doesn't believe the City <br />-5- <br />____ _.. __,._..__._ .~.... _...._.... _. __.. _ _._... __ .. .. .. ..... .....__._ _..._.... _._ ~... ._ _ _T <br />