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Paul Ebright: Said he doesn't concur with staff's comments that the <br />changes would be insignificant. He said an EIR is required in his <br />opinion to comply with CEQA regulations. He said the reason there <br />hasn't been a lot of public controversy is that the City isn't complying <br />with Goal No. 9 of the General Plan which deals with adequately informing <br />the public of proposals. <br />Mrs. Theodore Lehn: She indicated that the people in her area voted <br />for a walkway over I-680 for the Foothill High students and was opposed <br />to the noise which would be caused in changing the General Plan to widen <br />Las Positas to six lanes. <br />Dave Pastor: He stated he is opposed to three of the proposed General <br />Plan changes. He referred to the 12 page ad in the local newspaper placed <br />by Prudential. He stated it is working and that citizens see the grading <br />and improvements going on in the area marking approval. He indicated he <br />hasn't had sufficeint time to read the final EIR as he just received it <br />in the mail the day of the meeting. He spoke to concerns with truck <br />traffic and said now is the time for the City to control it as it has <br />the power. He sees no reason to expose the people on Las Positas and <br />Stoneridge Drive to fumes and noise as a result of the proposed changes. <br />He further stated that a balanced community is properly defined in the <br />General Plan and suggested this not be changed without public input. <br />Bonnie Green: Represented the Board of Directors of the Las Positas <br />Garden Court Homes Homeowner Association. She said her group is strongly <br />opposed to the items listed as number 2 and number 3 and recommended <br />changes. She further stated she disagrees with the Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration recommended for approval by the City. She said she doesn't <br />want to suffer the impacts which will be caused by the widening of Las <br />Positas Boulevard such as trucks passing so close to the residences of <br />the area. She stated her neighborhood consists of retired people and young <br />persons with small children who have to cross the intersection to go to <br />Fairlands school. She said she has talked to both the City and the <br />developer about routing truck traffic through the development going <br />north to the freeway and can't see why truck traffic is going to go <br />through her residential neighborhood. <br />Mr. Harris responded that this is an equitable question to raise and <br />a valid point to be considered by the Planning Commission. He indicated <br />that the workability depends on the Hacienda Interchange in the future <br />if Hopayrd Road gets to a point it can't handle the traffic generated. <br />He further stated condition number 2 relates to this topic. <br />Mrs. Green further stated if the street is widened she sees no reason <br />for it to be six lanes. Mr. Warnick stated that studies indicate six <br />lanes are required not so much for truck traffic as for automobile <br />traffic. He suggested that perhaps the traffic engineers might want <br />to address the situation. <br />Judi Johnson: She stated that of the eight houses in the Meadows area <br />there was only one person receiving a letter from the Planning Commission <br />and if she had not heard from word-of-mouth about the meeting she would <br />have no knowledge of it. She had concerns with the soundwall stating <br />-4- <br />__......r ..... <br />