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number 76 Commissioner Jamieson asked what would happen to the bike <br />lane when it becomes a traffic lane. Mr. Warnick said it would be <br />removed from the street and put onto the sidewalks. Commissioner <br />Jamieson then asked about condition number 84, page 27, and what <br />would happen after the first 10 years. Mr. Warnick explained. <br />Mr. Warnick said it is proposed that the streets be slurry sealed <br />every five years and they will last a long time. Commissioner <br />Jamieson then addressed condition number 94 on page 28. Mr. Warnick <br />stated that it relates to sewage plans ultimately to be approved by <br />the City Council. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked about the legality of stopping the <br />operation if it becomes necessary in the opinion of the City. <br />Mr. Swift said you can condition the project to control pollutants <br />if they exceed the EPA standards set. He said there is already <br />oxidents in the air. He said you could have a general condition which <br />would probably suffice and the actual implementation could be worked <br />out. <br />Chairperson Getty concurred with this and Commissioner Lindsey said <br />that in the interim between the Planning Commission and City Council <br />the staff could be working on the appropriate wording. <br />Mr. Sullivan stated that the Commission is ignoring pollutants <br />and particles emitted by diesel. Commissioner Jamieson said he <br />agrees to this and said he would like to see a condition added. <br />Chairperson Getty raised the question as to how one would know the <br />proposed business park is the one causing the pollution. Commissioner <br />Jamieson said that with this project importing 75,000 people we need <br />something. <br />Commissioner Wilson said the developer has sewerage to service 50 <br />to 200 acres of the project if he is careful. He said he didn't see <br />anything in the conditions with this regard. Mr. Harris stated there <br />is a condition which says the City doesn't guarantee the availability <br />of sewage to the developers. <br />Chairperson Getty said she didn't believe that housing should be <br />involved in the area and said condition number 3 should be eliminated. <br />Commissioner Lindsey said he would support this statement. Commissioner <br />Jamieson said he didn't necessarily concur as there are houses right <br />across the street and this could be a safety valve. Commissioner Wilson <br />said he would go along with the statements of Commissioners Getty and <br />Lindsey with this regard. Commissioner Jamieson asked if there is <br />enough land to make up for this. <br />Mr. Harris explained the reason for this condition was in the event <br />there was a ne=ed for housing in the area, it could be provided for. <br />A motion was then made by Commissioner Lindsey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Wilson that case PUD-81-30 be recommended for approval subject to <br />the conditions shown in the staff report to the Commission dated <br />5/19/82 as this project conforms to the General Plan as recommended <br />for change, with the following changes: <br />-1.9- <br />.._..._.. _._._ .. .___ _. _. .. __ T <br />