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The public hearing was closed. <br />Commissioner Jamieson indicated he doesn't know whether or not the <br />issue should be voted on tonight in that there seems to be a feeling <br />that people haven't had enough time to read the EIR and perhaps it <br />should be put over for the first item of the 5/26/82 meeting. <br />Commissioner Lindsey said he had enough time to digest everything. <br />Chairperson Getty concurred with this. <br />Commissioner Lindsey then made a motion which was seconded by Com- <br />missioner Wilson as follows: I move that the Planning Commission of <br />the City of Pleasanton certify that the Environmental Impact Report for <br />the project PUD-81-30 has been completed in compliance with the pro- <br />visions of the California Environmental Quality Act, that the Commission <br />certifies that it has reviewed and considered the information in the <br />EIR, that the Commission finds that there are potentially significant <br />impacts associated with this project as outlined in the document <br />titled "Proposed Environmental Impact Findings" relating to soils, <br />hydrology, archaeology and other factors; but that the Commission <br />further finds that the recommended conditions of approval or recom- <br />mended future actions by the City as listed in the accompanying <br />staff report would reduce those impacts to an insignificant level. <br />The Planning Commission further states that permanent loss of prime <br />and near prime agricultural land; increase in commuting which would more <br />than offset any reduction in vehicle miles travelled and, thus, effect <br />air emissions and energy consumption; increased traffic congestion <br />on surface streets and freeways; and increased noise levels especially <br />as they impact upon residential uses adjacent to certain surface <br />streets are not mitigatible if the project is approved or would remain <br />significant despite inclusion of mitigation measures, but that there <br />are overriding social and economic reasons (pertaining to provision <br />of jobs for local residents and increased tax base) for approving <br />the project despite these impacts. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Jamieson, Lindsey, Wilson and Chairperson Getty <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Doherty <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2173 was then entered and adopted certifying and <br />recommending for approval, the EIR prepared for case PUD-81-30. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked that the types of uses shown in sub- <br />paragraphs M and N of condition number 5 be eliminated and that con- <br />cerning condition number 62, he would suggest that a qualified citizen <br />be included in the process to establish procedures for the storage <br />and handling of hazardous materials. He asked about item number 73 <br />on page 26 of the staff report and Mr. Harris explained. Concerning <br />-18- <br /> <br />