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Commissioner Jamieson recalled that citizens were once anxious <br />for the overcrossings at Stoneridge Drive and West Las Positas and <br />that Caltrans recommended Stoneridge Drive be done first and this <br />was done from taxes received from the shopping center. He said the <br />plan for the Las Positas overcrossing is not that of Callahan or <br />anyone else and that it has been in the plan for a very long time. <br />Mr. Caldwell said that a proposed four lanes with overcrossing and <br />cloverleaf came as a major surprise. Commissioner Jamieson indicated <br />that two lanes have been planned for years. Mr. Caldwell said they <br />supported that but not the extra width. <br />Mr. Harris indicated that the interchange was proposed in the '64-65 <br />General Plan and for Las Positas east of I-680 to be six lanes. <br />Thomas Sullivan indicated that not everyone choses to live and work <br />in the same community. He said this is not necessarily desirable. <br />Chairperson Getty indicated that the project would be reviewed on <br />a site by site basis. Mr. Sullivan said that there is no mention of <br />BARTD and its impacts with regard to alleviating the traffic problems. <br />Chairperson Getty said the reports take into consideration the worse <br />possible cases and the developer will require staggered work hours <br />to alleviate potential problems. <br />Mr. Callahan responded to questions asked of other developments he <br />has been involved in regarding buildout and occupancy levels. He <br />further said they have been meeting with BARTD for over two years. <br />He said they indicated to him that they need $140,000 to run a ride <br />count. <br />Mr. Sullivan said he appreciates the planning and work gone into the <br />development but was disappointed in the fact that the Volume 2 of the <br />EIR was just released, the tremendous effects the project will have <br />on pollution. He said he is an environmental scientist and asked <br />the Commission to allow more time for making a decision. <br />Chairperson Getty said that the Planning Commission is not the last <br />word on the project. Mr. Sullivan said he would like to see a detail <br />analysis of the EIR similar to what Mr. Callahan presented on the <br />positive aspects of the proposal and that a committee should be <br />formed. He urged no decision be made tonight. <br />Joe Madden said that perhaps the citizens should get up a petition <br />to get the Hacienda interchange started through Caltrans. <br />Bob Pearson - in 15 years of coming to these meetings he has never <br />seen such a classy bunch of speakers and hopes the City will utilize <br />these people in a positive manner. Mr. Pearson urged this entire <br />matter be put off for more study and public input. He said he doesn't <br />want bike paths to go along Santa Rita Road as there are better routes <br />to be used. He said in his opinion, there will be a problem from <br />McDonald's to the flower shop. <br />-16- <br />_.... _. _.._.~.._~...._._~_,.__„. __.,..._. __.____._ ......_~_. ,___. ,_.~. .._..._,_., _.r__ .. <br />