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Gerald Goudreau, indicated he has concerns with the overall size <br />of the project and effects it will have on the overall valley. He <br />said the Planning Commission has indicated the project would have <br />control over each building as they are proposed. He then asked <br />what fraction of the development is necessary for the developers to <br />turn a profit and will the City be left responsible should the developer <br />stop building before the assessment districts are formed. Chairperson <br />Getty said that marketability will determine how long it takes for the <br />buildout. Mr. Callahan further stated that Cities do not guarantee <br />bonds since Proposition 13. He said there are significant withholds <br />with the sale of the bond. He said those funds are kept in arbitrage <br />accounts. <br />Earl Cook, Board of Directors, Las Positas Garden Homes, spoke to <br />concerns of warehousing, storage tank locations, etc. Commissioner <br />Lindsey said these items would be looked at when building proposals <br />are submitted to the Planning Commission. He stated that at that <br />time the use and design of the buildings would be reviewed. Mr. Callahan <br />further added that typically warehouses he has built in other projects <br />have been used for storing electrical products and small finished <br />goods. He said mechanical equipment would be screened. Mr. Cook <br />expressed concerns with hours of operation of such a facility. <br />Chairperson Getty said this would be controlled at the time precise <br />building elevations and proposed uses were considered. Mr. Callahan <br />said that flex time would be encouraged. <br />Jim Caldwell indicated that responses by the developer instead of <br />the Planning Commission goes a long way to establish confidence or <br />lack thereof by City officials. He said questions were posed con- <br />cerning checks and balances regarding air quality, noise and the <br />Commission didn't answer them, but rather the developer did so. He <br />said his quality of life is going to be changed because of this <br />development. He said Pleasanton is a bedroom community and doesn't <br />see why this development should be approved to such a large degree <br />even if it means a larger tax base. He addressed the West Las <br />Positas proposed interchange. He said Oakhill is directly impacted <br />as will be Highland Oaks to the north. He further indicated concerns <br />with the impact of additional traffic. He said they have 149 homes <br />with approximately 200 children in elementary school who have to <br />cross West Las Positas. <br />Mr. Warnick stated the changes as proposed are felt necessary based <br />on studies conducted. <br />Mr. Caldwell asked if there has been any consideration to moving the <br />interchange further down I-680 or use Bernal and run a frontage road <br />on the east side of I-680. Mr. Warnick indicated that mitigation <br />measures were suggested and the property was layed out reserving <br />property for the interchange. He indicated this interchange has <br />been planned for some time and no plans were considered for a frontage <br />road. <br />-15- <br /> <br />