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Commissioner Lindsey indicated there are sufficient controls on the <br />project to control concerns raised. Mr. Warnick stated that the <br />West Las Positas interchange is one of the recommendations included <br />in the North Pleasanton Assessment District and as part of that dis- <br />trict funds are being provided. He said it would probably be 10 years <br />before City Council finds it necessary. <br />David Eller, Livermore, spoke in opposition to the project stating <br />that the City of Livermore put together a report to give to the City <br />of Pleasanton but decided against it. He indicated he in no way <br />represents the City of Livermore but represented himself as a private <br />citizen. He read the summary which the City of Livermore wrote. <br />He said the Hacienda Draft Environmental Impact Report does not <br />address the impacts on Livermore. He suggested a joint planning <br />session be held in the tri-valley. He said Hacienda is a large <br />project with large impacts and they should be addressed. He read <br />the Livermore summary report and that in his own opinion this looks <br />like a wonderful project but that no matter how nice it appears <br />it still means if it is passed by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council it will turn this valley into a San Fernando, Santa Clara or <br />Los Angeles type atmosphere. He said it is too bad it won't be put <br />before a vote. <br />Richard Sawicki, addressed concerns with air quality stating it is <br />important to consider it right now. He said the comments made in the <br />testimony from Earth Metrics confuses him as Earth Metrics comments <br />differ from the Draft Environmental Impact Report. He then read from <br />the Draft EIR. <br />Chairperson Getty stated that many changes have happened since the <br />Draft EIR was put together regarding air quality. <br />Mr. Sawicki then stated it is too bad they didn't have the document <br />earlier for review. Mr. Sawicki then asked the Commission how they <br />can be certain there won't be a problem? <br />Commissioner Lindsey indicated he is convinced by the controls imposed <br />through conditions that enough control will be exercised by the <br />City and developer to avoid the concerns expressed. Mr. Sawicki <br />said it is important to control traffic trips and emissions before <br />they get out of control. <br />Michael Hogan, stated that the reports address the worse case situations. <br />Mr. Sawicki said if that is the case the figures show Hopyard going <br />southbound with no increase in emissions. Mr. Hogan indicated that <br />this is a background level. He said if all of the vehicles were <br />taken off of the streets in Pleasanton there would be imported <br />pollutants from other areas and while they appear large, these are <br />relatively small to the total. <br />-14- <br />. _... _ 1_ <br />