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properties b. .en Interstate Freeway 580 and West Las k _tas <br />Boulevard; deleting the policy referring to the routing of all <br />truck traffic generated from properties located between Hopyard <br />Road and Santa Rita Road north of West Las Positas Boulevard to the <br />proposed frontage road just south of I-580; increasing the planned <br />street. width of West I,as Positas Boulevard between Interstate Freeway <br />680 and Santa Rita Road from four lanes to six lanes and generally <br />establishing the width of Stoneridge Drive and its alignment east <br />of Hopyard Road) would have significant adverse effects but that <br />recommended conditions of approval would reduce the significant <br />impacts to an insignificant level; and, therefore, the Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration prepared for these items be adopted and that <br />amending the Noise Element of the General Plan by replacing the interim <br />noise level standards found in Table 5 with new interim noise level <br />standards consisting of the adopted noise level standards of the <br />federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, Environmental <br />Protection Agency, and the California Noise Insulation Standards, <br />and/or the adopted noise level standards of any other state or federal <br />agency establishing noise level standards by land use category; and <br />redefining a balanced community to indicate that housing should be <br />provided for all workers in the community who wish to live here, <br />would have an insignificant adverse effect on the environment and, <br />therefore, recommends the Negative Declaration be adopted. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Jamieson, Lindsey, Wilson and Chairperson Getty <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Doherty <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2171 was then entered and adopted recommending the <br />adoption of the Negative Declaration and Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />prepared for case GP-82-3 as presented. <br />A motion was then made by Commissioner Lindsey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Wilson that case GP-82-3, application of the City of Pleasanton for <br />a general plan amendment be recommended for approval as described <br />in the staff report to the Commission dated 5/19/82 and amending the <br />Growth Management Element to redefine the "balanced community" goal <br />(goal #1) to include providing housing for all workers within the <br />City who wish to live in the City, eliminating Item No. 4 of the <br />Circulation Element to the General Plan relating to the routing of <br />all truck traffic generated from properties located between Hopyard <br />Road and Santa Rita Road north of West Las Positas Boulevard directly <br />northward to the proposed frontage road just south of T-580. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Jamieson, Lindsey, Wilson and Chairperson Getty <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Doherty <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2172 was then entered and adopted recommending the <br />General Plan be changed as motioned and filed under case GP-82-3. <br />-11- <br /> <br />