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PUD-81-30, Prudential Insurance Company of America <br />Application o Prudential Insurance Company of America and Callahan- <br />Pentz Properties for Planned Unit Development (P.U.D. - Industrial/ <br />Commercial and Offices) zoning and development plan approval of a <br />573 acre "business park" to include approximately 16 net acres of <br />"garden" offices, 62 net acres of general offices, 51 net acres of <br />"mid-rise" offices, 48 net acres of industrial warehousing, 282 net <br />acres of research and development/light manufacturing, and 39 net <br />acres of retail/commercial/financial development with the remaining <br />approximately 75 acres to be used for street and flood channel right- <br />of-way purposes, to be located on the east side of Hopyard Road between <br />the Arroyo Mocho and a point approximately 1400 feet south of I-580 <br />and extending east to the tracks of the Southern Pacific Transportation <br />Company. The property is currently zoned P.U.D./C-F (Planned Unit <br />Development/Commercial Freeway), Office, Industrial Park, Light <br />Industrial, and General Industrial. The Planning Commission may <br />recommend any zoning for the property consistent with the General <br />Plan. <br />An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will also be considered for the <br />above project. <br />Mr. Harris presented the recommendation of approval and stated <br />that an Environmental Impact Report would have to be certified prior <br />to any action on the application. He introduced the developer and <br />stated that they would make a presentation. <br />Joe Callahan, Callahan-Pentz Properties, stated he represented both <br />Prudential and Callahan-Pentz and complimented the staff in working <br />with all of the data presented on behalf of the Hacienda Business <br />Park. He stated the EIR goes to great depths with regard to the <br />environmental aspects of the proposal. He said with one exception <br />they are in accord with conditions imposed by the staff. <br />Roger McErlane, P.O.D., landscape architect for the proposal, <br />Pete Ruggeri, Bissell and Karn, engineers for the proposal and <br />Joe Callahan, the applicant, presented a slide program showing the <br />landscaping, site plans, engineering sections and overall develop- <br />ment plan for the proposed development. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />David Pastor spoke to traffic concerns and referenced the traffic <br />reports prepared for case PUD-81-30. He suggested that the developer, <br />City Planning Commission and City Council get together with the <br />Livermore and Dublin areas to discuss the entire valley including <br />Pleasanton. He said the Hacienda interchange requires state approvals <br />and there is no guarantee it will happen. He spoke to Gibraltar <br />being used for truck traffic. Chairperson Getty explained that there <br />would be an additional condition added to development approval regarding <br />restricting truck traffic should it be approved. He said it is difficult <br />to get from the Valley Trails subdivision now to I-580. Chairperson Getty <br />indicated that the condition requiring trucks to use Gibraltar to <br />Hopyard Road would be just until such time that the Hacienda inter- <br />change is completed. Mr. Pastor explained that his only route now <br />is Stoneridge Drive using the frontage road because of traffic. <br />Chairperson Getty indicated that she hoped with the widening of <br />-12- <br />