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Mr. Callahan responded saying - as part of the Hopyard Road improvements, <br />they will be adding a soundwall in residential areas. He said they <br />don't have the design yet for the portion between the Mocho and Valley <br />Trails but that they are working on it. He said that under the PUD <br />conditions they are responsible for this mitigation. <br />Jay Raimondi: Said all truck traffic should use a frontage road and <br />the Hacienda interchange. <br />Mr. Harris stated that when the general plan amendments were put <br />together the City looked at all of the policy statements of the <br />General Plan which might need to be changed because of the Hacienda <br />PUD and if the plan is changed and to require Gibraltar and Hopyard <br />be used for all truck traffic, then a general plan amendment with <br />this regard would not be necessary. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />Commissioner Lindsey stated he is in favor of removing Item 4 from <br />the list of proposed General Plan changes (regarding truck traffic). <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked the Acting City Attorney to respond to <br />the comments the citizens raised with regard to an environmental <br />impact being required for General Plan changes. Mr. Swift stated <br />that if it is determined by the Planning Commission that there may <br />be any significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated as a <br />result of the proposed changes with regard to any of the physical <br />aspects, i.e., air, water, etc., an EIR would be required. <br />Commissioner Lindsey indicated that concerns were addressed in Volume <br />2 of the EIR. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked who prepared the negative declarations for <br />the general plan amendment proposals? Mr. Swift responded that they <br />were done by the planning staff. Commission Jamieson asked if counsel <br />was consulted. Mr. Swift stated that all such projects require <br />environmental assessment but that it is the recommendation of the <br />planning staff that there would be no significant effects; the <br />Planning Commission, based on the Initial Study and any other <br />relevant evidence put forth at the hearing, must decide for themselves <br />if there may be any significant effect as this decision cannot be <br />delegated to staff. <br />Commissioner Lindsey indicated that the City has an opportunity to <br />have a nice business park over which the City has a significant amount <br />of control. He indicated the General Plan for the area has been for <br />this type of use for at least the last 15 years. He said he feels <br />the necessary studies have been done and he is for the project. He <br />said he is in favor of removing Item #4 of the general plan amend- <br />ments relating to truck traffic using Las Positas and Hopyard as <br />discussed earlier. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Lindsey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Wilson that on the basis of an Initial Study of the potential environ- <br />mental impacts of the project, the Planning Commission has determined <br />that some proposed changes (deleting the policy referring to a <br />prohibition of direct vehicular access to Hopyard Road from adjacent <br />-10- <br />__._.r <br />