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<br />'PLANNING COMMISS_ <br />ML tES <br />~. <br />September ~. 1982 <br />Commissioner Jamieson skid he didn't wish to put a dollar value <br />but did favor a credit.', <br />Commissioner Lindsey in icated that this is a fine project and <br />supported Commissioner ~amieson's statements and that a credit <br />for approximately one-h~lf of the recreation building and tennis <br />courts should be considered. He said he did not believe the matter <br />again had to be referred back to Park and Recreation. <br />Mrs. Bengtson indicated'~that the Park and Recreation did not have <br />all material available ~o them and that the material was delivered <br />to her office and a pol.~te request made that it be put on the agenda <br />on Friday prior to the ~-eeting. She indicated that the night before <br />the meeting, she delivered maps to the Commissioners' homes for <br />their review. She said''~these were furnished to her the day before <br />the meeting. ', <br />Mr. Matteson said that ~t the Park and Recreation meeting he felt <br />until the last 15 minut s of the meeting the situation turned <br />around. He urged that ~he matter be referred to City Council and <br />not go back to the Park !,and Recreation Commission. <br />Commissioner Jamieson a <br />Parks and Recreation we <br />Bengtson explained all <br />been plugged into the c <br />are done when money is <br />citizens would be using <br />would not really serve <br />ked Mrs. Bengtson if the money for the <br />e already plugged into the budget. Mrs. <br />evelopment for the next three years has <br />pital improvement program and projects <br />vailable. She reiterated that these <br />City facilities and their tennis courts <br />he community. <br />A motion was made by Co~unissioner Getty, seconded by Commissioner <br />Jamieson that a recommendation be made to City Council that some <br />consideration be given ~o the developer and would support credit <br />for one-half of the recreation building and tennis courts because <br />apartments are needed. ', <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: Commissionersl~Getty, Jamieson, Wilson and <br />Chairperson Lindsey <br />Noes: Commissioner Doherty <br />Absent: None <br />Abstain: None <br />Resolution No. 2216 was '',then entered and adopted to recommend that <br />credit be given to the project on Valley Avenue as motioned. <br />Mr. Doherty explained that he voted no because he felt the matter <br />should go back to the P~.rk and Recreation Commission. <br />-9- <br /> <br />