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The Public Hearing was opened. <br />Mr. Edmands, 4762 Second Street, addressed the Commission stating that <br />no one came to the property owners and discussed this matter. He asked, <br />what, and why is this being done. Mr. Edmands stated that properties have <br />been brought up well beyond any code and that the properties were upgraded <br />not because of code but because of personal pride of the property owners. <br />He stated the ordinance is vague and unenforceable. He further stated <br />that he and other property owners want no part of any type of funding <br />whether it is State or Federal to upgrade their properties. He said that <br />when people purchase 'charming' old buildings they understand what they <br />are really purchasing is an old-old building that requires a large <br />investment for restoration and generally do this because they desire to do <br />so and as a result; the buildings are brought up higher than code level. <br />He stated that the proposed ordinance is an insult to the property owners <br />and he is absolutely opposed to it. <br />Mr. Petrock, 733 Division Street, spoke stating he was never contacted by <br />the City regarding this proposal. He stated he did receive the report. <br />He has restored his house and doesn't want anybody regulating him with <br />this regard. <br />Jack Bras, AIA, Pleasanton, spoke stating he owned no historic property <br />in Pleasanton but would be effected in his business. He stated this <br />proposed ordinance contains stringent controls and regulations to which <br />he is opposed. <br />Callie Heinbaugh, 4590 Mohr Avenue, who was Chairman of the Bicentennial <br />Heritage Committee, spoke stating she did not want this ordinance to pass. <br />She stated the purpose of her Committee was to appreciate the past and <br />that was the only purpose of the Committee. She stated they never in- <br />tended to support any ordinance for an Overlay District nor to infringe <br />on any property owner rights. <br />Joyce Getty addressed the Commission and audience stating she would with- <br />draw from participation in this issue as she is the owner of a piece of <br />property which would be effected by the Historic Overlay and there was <br />a conflict of interest. Harvey Levine, City Attorney, concurred with <br />her statement and abstention. <br />Mr. Edmands spoke again stating that the buildings on Main Street have <br />long since captured the early California mood. This was done by sug- <br />gestion and not regulation. He stated Main Street wasn't a pretty site <br />50 years ago. Further, most buildings on Main Street followed guidelines <br />and the results have been achieved at a $2,000,000 investment by pro- <br />perty owners. He said no ordinance is needed for this as this has been <br />done already. <br />The Public Hearing was closed. <br />Mr. Wilson stated he finds an EIR is necessary. He questioned the <br />findings of the Initial Study. Further, Mr. Wilson stated that if a <br />piece of property was shown on the General Plan as multiple and it had an <br />-4- <br />