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Mr. Geppert stated he was unsure as to the intent of the ordinance; <br />whether it is to maintain the structures as they are now or if it is the <br />intent to have the structures as they were originally. Harvey Levine <br />stated that the ordinance is proposed to regulate the kind of change which <br />would be made to the exterior of the buildings presently considered under <br />the proposed Historical Overlay District. <br />Mr. Geppert then asked Jeff Luxenberg if there are funds available now for <br />the restoration of historical sites. Jeff stated there are funds avail- <br />able. Mr. Wilson took issue with the statement of Jeff Luxenberg <br />especially in view of the recent passage of Proposition 13 and State <br />monies available for such purposes. Mr. Harris then stated that the <br />purpose of this ordinance is not to get money from anyone but to keep <br />the buildings in Pleasanton from being changed. <br />Mr. Wilson expressed concern about persons owning property, determining <br />they have termites or dryrot and then finding out there is no way they <br />can repair the building structurally. Mr. Harris stated that a building <br />in this situation would have to be taken out of the district to be <br />demolished. Mr. Wilson stated that under the proposal he feels the City <br />should pay for the liability of the structure. Jeff Luxenberg reiterated <br />that the proposed ordinance doesn't require anyone to repair anything. <br />Mr. Geppert then addressed the staff asking whether or not any thought <br />was given to the cost to the owners of the property with regard to the <br />proposal. Jeff Luxenberg stated no consideration was specifically given <br />to the cost and that if the property owners wanted to make exterior changes <br />they would have to come to the City to do so and it is the intent for the <br />City to guide the type of changes to be made. Mr. Geppert then stated that <br />if someone wished to demolish a building it could have cost effects on <br />the owner. Jeff Luxenberg then stated that with regard to single-family <br />residences this ordinance could possibly have a positive cost effect. <br />Jeff then stated all that is attempted in this ordinance is to give guide- <br />lines for the Design Review Board. Mr. Geppert spoke to the financial <br />impact on commercial buildings. Jeff Luxenberg stated there probably <br />would be none. Jeff Luxenberg said that one thought is that it might <br />improve the area and increase commercial business. Bob Harris stated that <br />the neighboring structure guidelines are inocuous. <br />Mr. Wilson spoke stating that anytime you put an overlay district on <br />anything it causes problems for property owners, and he is, therefore, <br />opposed to the proposal. <br />Mr. Doherty asked who the persons were who put the list of historically or <br />architectually significant properties together. Mr. Harris stated that the <br />final decision was made by the Historic Overlay Committee with input from <br />the staff. <br />Mr. Doherty inquired as to whether or not the property owners were con- <br />sulted and did they concur with the recommendation. Mr. Luxenberg said <br />that his studies did not include discussing the matter with the property <br />owners but rather was done by visual studies. Mr. Harris stated that the <br />property owners have been sent copies of the report. Mr. Doherty then <br />said he didn't believe there should be an ordinance. <br />-3- <br />_.~.. ._.._..._T.,..-..._ _.._ _..... .. _.... .. ._..._.. ......_ _. <br />