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PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br />April 11, 1979 <br />congregate housing is a product of market conditions. Commissioner Geppert asked what <br />would be eliminated and did staff take into consideration what RM would be left. <br />Mr. Harris responded 15-20 acres would be left. Mr. Harris stated that specificf would <br />be decided at the zoning stage. <br />Joe Madden, 3851 Vineyard Avenue, addressed the Commission. He stated he had no strong <br />feelings toward this project one way or the other but didn't feel that a large developer <br />should be given no constraints and a small developer made to adhere to strict guidelines. <br />He further stated that it appears Stoneson isn't sure what they want to do. He is <br />opposed to giving Stoneson a great deal of flexability based upon possible marketing changes. <br />Concerning the negative declaration for GP-79-05, Commissioner Doherty moved that the <br />mitigated negative declaration be filed on this project as there would be significant <br />adverse effects but that the proposed conditions for approval of this project would <br />reduce those impacts to an insignificant level. He stated as part of this motion <br />that the second condition be amended to reflect a recommendation to City Council that <br />the General Plan goal of 25%-75% multiples to single family residential be changed <br />to 20%-80%. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Geppert. <br />Resolution No. 1732 was then entered approving a mitigated negative declaration for <br />GP-79-05 incorporating the conditions of the staff report of April 11, 1979 as the <br />mitigating measures which the modification of condition ~~2. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />Ayes <br />Noes <br />Commissioners Doherty, Geppert, Getty <br />Commissioners Wilson and Chairman Jamieson <br />A motion was then made by Commissioner Geppert, seconded by Commissioner Wilson to <br />approve the project filed under GP-79-5 with the conditions of the April 11, 1979 <br />staff report (~~2 condition to be modified) and to incorporate that "Your Commission <br />recommend public hearing to City Council in conjunction with the Planning Commission <br />action and that a General Plan Amendment designating the property between Valley and Hansen, <br />300 feet west of Hopyard to High Density Residential. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />Ayes Commissioners Geppert and Wilson <br />Noes Commissioners Doherty, Getty and Chairman Jamieson <br />Abstain None <br />Commissioner Geppert made a motion recommending to City Council that GP-79-5 be <br />approved subject to the four conditions of the staff report, with modification of <br />condition ~~2 as previously stated (modifying the multiple-single family ratio to 20%-80%) <br />recommending a new General Plan Amendment to Council. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />Ayes <br />Noes <br />Abstain <br />Commissioners Doherty, Geppert, Getty <br />Commissioners Wilson and Chairman Jamieson <br />None <br />Resolution No. 1733 was then entered and adopted <br />-8- <br /> <br />