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PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br />April 11, 1979 <br />Commissioner Wilson stated he didn't understand the lack of consideration given to <br />where the employees would be living, where they are coming from. Burkhardt gave <br />an example of the Eastridge mall: 105 acres (larger than Stoneridge). He stated <br />this shopping center left 60 acres next to it and for 8-10 years this acreage had <br />been undeveloped as it wasn't marketable. He said recently because of other <br />circumstances developers were attracted by it. He said the land was finally used <br />for housing for the elderly and subsidized housing. He stated that land adjacent <br />to a regional center has either gone to planned community, office, retail and/or <br />commercial uses. <br />Thomas Andrews, 6537 Lanser, requested this item be continued because of the impact <br />it has on the community. He stated an EIR should be required as this project would <br />have a longstanding effect on everyone. He said he was formally protesting the <br />negative declaration. <br />Dagmar Fulton, Mirador Drive, spoke stating no proper maps are being shown for the <br />audience to see. Mr. Harris then brought out the General Plan map for that purpose. <br />She further stated that before any drastic steps are taken there should be public <br />hearings. She stated people in the valley who supported a community hospital (VMH) <br />should be allowed an opportunity to understand what is being considered at this time. <br />Commissioner Wilson responded to Mrs. Fultan by stating the human factor should be <br />considered in this situation. He stated he is 100% in favor of a hospital in this <br />area and believes it to be necessary. He stated based on his personal experience, Valley <br />Memorial Hospital does not service the community satisfactorily. Mrs. Fulton stated <br />this has no bearing on whether or not there should be a new hospital. Commissioner <br />Doherty stated that what is being discussed is a General Plan Amendment which would <br />change the land use and not a hospital. <br />Robert Myers of Angela Street addressed <br />of congregate housing. He stated he has <br />housing approved. Mr. Harris explained. <br />Public hearing was closed. <br />the Commission and asked for a definition <br />been trying for five years to get congregate <br />Commissioner Geppert stated the issue is whether this area is zoned properly as it is now <br />and he stated he doesn't believe it is. He stated he supports this application. <br />Commissioner Jamieson stated he has a problem with the recommendation of staff that <br />the Planning Commission look to 1200 to 2000 multiples and says maybe a spot should <br />be found for multiples before a change is made. He stated that in the study session <br />held the previous week, the Commission was going to discuss the ratio of 25% multiples, <br />75% single family but doesn't feel this has been adequately done at this time. <br />Mr. Harris stated that in actuality if this project is approved the ratio would be <br />20%-80%. Chairman Jamieson stated the Planning Commission couldn't change any of <br />the alternatives on the staff report at this meeting without public hearings. He stated <br />the only thing being dropped in the General Plan Amendment request is "Parks and Recreation". <br />Mr. Harris stated that Murray School District is no longer interested in a school site <br />at this location and that the park doesn't make any sense. He spoke to concerns of <br />eliminating 91 acres and doing nothing else as an alternative. He stated that the <br />Planning Commission could only initiate alternative sites or change the ratio by <br />making a recommendation to City Council. <br />Burkhardt spoke again stating it is not the applicant's proposal to entirely <br />eliminate high density residential. He stated the door has to be left open <br />to have a portion of the land used for high density residential including <br />congregate and other types of residential housing. He stated the idea is to initiate <br />action to plan large parcels of land for other uses than what it is currently used for <br />but not to limit it to congregate housing. He stated the total amount of land for <br />-7- <br />_ ---- <br />'--_- <br />_T Y. _ __ -- - ---__ ~.. <br />