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PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br />April 11, 1979 <br />Commissioner Ken Geppert addressed Mr. Kameny concerning the five acres. He asked if <br />the five acres were rezoned to medium density and if this project allowed, would <br />the applicant be willing to increase the size of the lots to 8,500. Kameny stated yes, <br />they would entertain that thought. Commissioner Geppert then made a motion to rezone <br />the McManus property to R-1-8500 minimum. Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion. <br />Mr. Kameny then again addressed the Commission stating he thought the discussion was <br />concerning the rear lot and not the 61 acre parcel being considered. He stated that <br />R-1-6500 with the ROD would accomplish this. Commissioner Doherty then made a motion <br />to withdraw the motion of Geppert which was seconded by Commissioner Wilson. The <br />Commission agreed unanimously to withdraw the motion. <br />Commissioner Geppert then made a motion to rezone this property R-1-7500. This motion <br />was seconded by Commissioner Getty. <br />Resolution No. 1731 was then entered and adopted recommending R-1-7500 for RZ-79-04 <br />to the City Council. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />Ayes <br />Noes <br />Abstain <br />Commissioners Geppert, Getty & Chairman Jamieson <br />Commissioners Doherty and Wilson <br />None <br />GP-79-05, Stoneson <br />Application of Stoneson Development Co. for a general plan amendment to change the land <br />uses designation of a 91.5 acre site located at the southwest intersection of I-580 <br />and I-680 from "High Density Residential", "Public and Institutional" and "Parks and <br />Recreation" to "Commercial and Office", "Public and Institutional", and "High Density <br />Residential". The Planning Commission may designate any other land use category it <br />deems appropriate or change any section of the General Plan necessary to maintain <br />the internal consistency of the Plan. A negative declaration of environmental impacts <br />was also considered. <br />Mr. Harris explained the staff report and possible alternatives if a General Plan <br />Amendment is adopted. He stated that if the conditions shown on the staff report are <br />not considered in approval, an EIR would be necessary, otherwise the conditions <br />mitigate any significant impacts outlined on the negative declaration. Commissioner <br />Wilson stated that the percentages should be corrected by City Council relative to <br />25% multiple vs 75% single family housing as a General Plan goal to more accurately <br />reflect what is going on. <br />Public hearing was opened. <br />Jo e Burkhardt representing the applicant spoke. He addressed public improvements <br />designed to carry traffic by the regional facility. He stated the proposal doesn't <br />intend to totally eliminate High Density Residential -- part of the land would be <br />reserved for that use. He stated a major medical facility would be very compatible <br />with a regional shopping center and so would housing for the elderly. He stated <br />flexability is necessary. He stated traffic studies can be made as part of the special <br />development plan for any individual segment of the plan. Commissioner Wilson asked how <br />many employees were anticipated with regard to the Stoneridge Shopping Center. Burkhardt <br />stated there would be between 2500-3000 employment opportunities. Commissioner <br />Wilson then addressed the number of employees who might move into the area. Burkhardt <br />stated he couldn't say how many would be moving to the area, how many are already in <br />the area, nor could. he state the salary range or income of potential employees. He <br />stated many would be part time and these circumstances would fluctuate. In answer to <br />Commissioner Wilson's question, Mr. Burkhardt stated there would be 110-130 satellite <br />stores. <br />-6- <br /> <br />