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PC 04/11/79
City of Pleasanton
PC 04/11/79
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PC 04/11/79
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PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTF <br />April 11, 1979 <br />Harvey Kameny, Crocker Homes (developer for McManus) spoke. He reiterated McManus' <br />commitment to signalize the intersection and stated Crocker Homes would stand by <br />that commitment if they bought the property. He stated the property is not proper <br />for multiples as there is a very soft market. Concerning ROD as it applies to this <br />property, R-1-6500 would mean an average of 8,000 sq. ft. lots. Mr. Kameny stated <br />Crocker Homes has options on all of the McManus property and with such options has a <br />desire to accommodate the city, residents and others. He stated there is no fixed <br />plan at this time. Commissioner Doherty then asked if Mr. Heldt had an opportunity <br />to look at the 10,000 sq. ft. lot size. Mr. Kameny questioned the compatibility of <br />10,000 sq. ft. lots in the vicinity of the sports park but stated he would not <br />entirely rule this out. <br />Jack Hoffmann, Valley Trails Drive, addressed the Commission objecting to a road going <br />through the sports park with small children playing sports such as Little League Baseball. <br />Commissioner Jamieson stated the traffic would be deadended on the east side and then come <br />back out and that there is no through traffic. Commissioner Doherty stated the traffic <br />would be better for the sports park as opposed to what is now there. Hoffmann stated <br />a two-story multiple would create more traffic. Commissioner Doherty then stated if <br />this were rezoned multiple, the developer would have to meet off-street parking <br />requirements. <br />Lynne riostrant, 2802 Jones Gate Ct., spoke concerned with the eastern most five acres <br />of the McManus property. She stated she had been previously assured the five acres <br />would go untouched. Commissioner Geppert stated the City has no money to buy parks, but <br />he would like to see a buffer in this area. Mr.Harris explained the General Plan <br />Amendment proposal to City Council and that the City Council initiated the General Plan <br />on the five acres. <br />Janice Karle, 4654 Mohr Avenue, Pleasanton addressed the Commission stating she is <br />opposed to any added traffic in the area, especially since it would all be going down <br />Mohr Avenue at the rate of 200 cars per day. She would like to be assured there would <br />be no outlet onto Mohr Avenue. Chairman Jamieson pointed out that the City Council <br />still has to decide whether or not to accept the five acres as a park. Chairman Jamieson <br />explained `park' dedication and 'in lieu of dedications. He stated this matter is <br />now out of the Planning Commission's jurisdiction and it is now up to the City Council. <br />Mrs. Karle stated she would like to get on the mailing list for future public hearings. <br />Public hearing was closed. <br />Commissioner Geppert expressed concern about the five acres as it relates to apartments <br />with relationship to traffic, signals, 8,500 sq. ft. lots and 28%. Commissioner <br />Getty stated she concurred with Commissioner Geppert's statements and that she is <br />concerned also with the flow of traffic and feels the entire piece of property should <br />be developed -- including the five acres. Commissioner Wilson spoke to access by <br />emergency vehicles and the response time required by the Fire Department. He stated <br />this was a good plan, but it ignores the General Plan and their goals. <br />Commissioner Doherty stated that this is not a bad plan but larger lots are needed. <br />He stated that if the back five acres became part of that parcel and there were 240 fewer <br />houses, this would be a better development. Chairman Jamieson stated he felt it was <br />a good plan. He also stated that it is a tough piece of property to develop. He <br />spoke to concerns of the taper of the proposed road and the fact that in his opinion <br />cars would be parked solid on the road. Mr. Harris stated that a wider road would be <br />considered under the subdivision map. Commissioner Wilson stated he felt the road was <br />more than adequate. Commissioner Doherty made a motion that this property be rezoned <br />R-1-10,000. For lack of a second, this motion died. <br />-5- <br />
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