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PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br />April 11, 1979 <br />Commissioner Doherty then stated all of the findings could be made in granting this <br />use permit and moved for approval of UP-79-06 subject to the conditions of the <br />staff report of April 11, 1979. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Getty. <br />Resolution No. 1730 was then entered and adopted approving UP-79-6. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />Ayes <br />Noes <br />Abstain <br />Commissioners Doherty, Geppert, Getty, Wilson and <br />Chairman Jamieson <br />None <br />None <br />RZ-79-04, T. K. McManus <br />Application of T. K. McManus to rezone a 61 acre site located east of Hopyard Road <br />immediately north of Sports and Recreation Park from A (Agricultural) District to the <br />R-1-6500 (Single Family Residential) District or any other zoning district consistent <br />with the General Plan. <br />Mr. Harris explained the staff report and addressed the General Plan Amendment previously <br />approved by the City Council. . <br />Commissioner Getty expressed concernings with signaling at Hopyard Road. Mr. Harris <br />stated that if it were zoned PUD, signals would be examined as part of the conditions <br />of that plan. He stated that under R-1-6500, the Planning Commission would have the <br />subdivision map only to consider and that Engineering and Legal Counsel would have <br />to decide whether or not this condition could be imposed on a Tentative Subdivision Map. <br />Chairman Jamieson then addressed the road going from 84 to 60 feet. <br />Public hearing was opened. <br />Peter Turner, attorney for McManus spoke. He stated Mr. McManus has made arrangements <br />with Crocker Homes to be the developer of this site. He did state, however, that <br />Mr. McManus had every intention of putting in signals as previously promised. He <br />stated the developer wants to put through a plan which will be supported by the community: <br />He stated they would like their project approved at this time so that they can apply <br />for R.A.P. and that David Heldt, the planner, and Mr. Kameny, the developer were <br />present in the audience. Commissioner Wilson wondered about the possibility of <br />zoning the westernmost 13 acres of the property for high density residential. <br />Mr. Turner then addressed marketability with regard to putting five to six models in <br />the front. David Heldt, Environmental Planning Architect, spoke representing the <br />applicant. He showed renderings outlining the main features of the proposal and possible <br />lot sizes. Commissioner Geppert then spoke to signalization and traffic congestion. <br />Mr. Harris stated that if this was zoned PUD, the City would certainly try to make <br />signalization part of the subdivison. He stated this piece of property would be <br />well suited for a PUD. <br />In answer to Commissioner Geppert's question, Mr. Heldt stated that five acres currently <br />be considered for a general plan amendment by City Council are not included in this <br />proposal. Mr. Heldt stated they would offer that five acres as park land. Commissioner <br />Wilson addressed R-1-6500 & residential Overlay District Ordinance. He stated he <br />was not convinced the ordinance is not in effect. Mr. Harris stated he could not say <br />whether or not the ordinance is currently in effect. Commissioner Doherty stated there <br />is sufficient R-1-6500 in the community and that during a recent study session of the <br />Planning Commission, it was determined larger lots were more desirable. Mr. Heldt <br />stated they have not given any consideration to 10,000 sq. ft. lots for this narrow <br />parcel to the present time and that cost goes up as open space increases. <br />-4- <br />