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on Stanley Boulevard, and further that there would be no trucks on <br />First Street. He stated it would be a business park with five sections. <br />He stated the only type of trucks they anticipate are the panel-delivery <br />type trucks. He further stated there are no traffic studies available <br />on business parks. Mr. Caroline stated it will not be possible to use <br />Kaiser's El Charro Road. He stated part of the acreage could be used for <br />low cost housing, mobile home park, etc. especially for persons who <br />cannot afford $100,000+ for a place to live but that the property <br />would not qualify high on RAP. He stated he would be very receptive <br />to any suggestions along these lines and is quite flexible in his <br />proposal. <br />Mr. O'Hearn, AIA, for this project spoke. He stated the developer plans to <br />blend his proposal with the adjacent residences in the area. He presented <br />elevations and site plans for the audience and Commission to see. He <br />stated that he also brought along slides but would show them at the <br />next Planning Commission meeting at which time the plan will be considered. <br />Commissioner Leppert addressed the traffic flows as mentioned in the EIR. <br />He stated this project has been changed since that study has been done <br />and asked for any information as to what the traffic will be concerning <br />the current proposal. <br />John Caroline responded that the EIR shows 550 vehicles per day and that - <br />he checked with Cal-Trans and there have been no additional studies on <br />commercial properties. He further stated there would not be any semi- <br />trucks using the property. <br />Larry Osborne, Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce spoke <br />stating the applicant's representative has met with the Chamber and as <br />a result the Chamber supports this proposal as it has a good design and <br />is something the City of Pleasanton would benefit from. He also stated <br />it would benefit the people living in Pleasanton who would like to work <br />in Pleasanton. <br />Lars Jotten, 1265 Kolln, addressed the Commission stating John Caroline <br />has approached all of the people on Kolln Street. He stated Mr. Caroline <br />asked that a committee be set up by the homeowners and that he was willing <br />to work with the homeowners and explain what he is planning to do with the <br />land behind the properties. Mr. Jotten stated he has owned his home for <br />14 years and when he purchased the house was told it would become an <br />industrial park. He stated they would like to see (1) closest building <br />set back 75 ft. from the property line; (2) a 14 ft. height limit on <br />the buildings; (3) move road back or don't let road go through to the <br />property line on the south side; (4) planting easement wherein the property <br />the homeowners see will be bermed; and further stated he would prefer an <br />industrial park over low cost or mobile home park housing. <br />J. Jack Bras addressed this proposal stating it is being conducted as a <br />public hearing and not in routine with the way things are normally con- <br />ducted. Chairperson Doherty stated that in a matter of this magnitude and <br />concern all of the public input necessary to consider the matter in the <br />future should be considered. <br />-3- <br />