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REPORT ON ANNEXED PROPERTIES <br />Mr. Harris explained that recently the Fromm property was annexed to <br />the City. He stated that Fromm currently has a PUD application on <br />file with the City but that other property in the immediate vicinity <br />was also annexed and it went into a "Study" District in accordance <br />with the Ordinance Code. He stated it must be zoned and requested <br />by the Planning Commission to initiate said application. <br />After discussion, the Planning Commission made a motion to initiate <br />an application to rezone the eastern portion of the lands involved <br />in Annexation No. 78. <br />ROLL CALL <br />Motion: Commissioner Doherty <br />Seconded: Commissioner Jamieson <br />Ayes: Commissioners Doherty, Getty, Jamieson, Lindsey and <br />Chairperson Wilson <br />Noes: None <br />Resolution No. 1921 was then entered and adopted initiating a zoning <br />application for the eastern half of the Annexation No. 78 area, <br />east of the extension of Valley Avenue. <br />REFERRAL FROM ALAMEDA COUNTY <br />Request to comment upon zoning study prepared for 37 parcels totalling <br />approximately 560 acres located on both sides of Vineyard Avenue <br />east of the City limit line. <br />Mr. Harris explained the Alameda County Planning staff report. <br />Chairperson Wilson asked if the County allows septic tanks on 2-1/2 <br />acre sites. Mr. Harris stated he didn't know their policy. Chairperson <br />Wilson stated that he knows they have granted approval in the past for <br />some. <br />Chairperson Wilson opened the public hearing. <br />Bud Martin, Crellin Road, spoke. He stated he would like to see the <br />Planning Commission look at the property under their Sphere of <br />Influence and that this would include more than the 90 acres mentioned <br />in the report. He stated it would be more reasonable to have 2-1/2 <br />acre lots as opposed to 5 acres since most of the properties are <br />small to begin with. <br />Mr. Martin addressed Map 4 of the report. He stated he didn't want <br />to develop his property for a long time but if anything does happen <br />to change the zoning, he would like to be considered. He urged <br />that the 90 acre parcel mentioned go to 2-1/2 acre parcels. <br />-6- <br />...._...._ ._.__...~.._...._.._.r,_..._.....__ ...--.._ .. _. __..._.._.__...._.~,_.._... ....._,.... _..,.._......~ ,. _... _..__.. ..._ .... T..... _. _....... <br />