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Jean Pappas, 3917 Fairlands Drive, stated she was of the understanding <br />this property was zoned residential and objected to commercial uses. <br />She asked how a person would go about changing the zoning designation. <br />She further stated that no bike path has been constructed since <br />McDonald's has located in the area. Mr. Warnick explained the <br />mechanics involved. <br />Chairperson Wilson stated that this property has been zoned C-F for <br />at least eight years and only a general plan amendment and subsequent <br />rezoning would change the land use designation. Ms. Papas said that <br />the commercial use would endanger children in the area and Mr. Harris <br />explained that the proposed zoning is a better use for the area than <br />those allowed in the C-F District. <br />Gloria Briggs, 3655 Camelot Court also spoke in opposition to this <br />application with concerns of additional traffic, noise and reduction <br />of property values. <br />Chairperson Wilson stated that this is a two-way sword, i.e., when <br />the owners of the property purchased the property they did so because <br />it was so designated and the homeowners purchase their property <br />believing it was something else. <br />William Kovak, 3124 Weymouth Court, addressed the Commission neither <br />speaking in favor nor opposition to this project. <br />Mr. Bras readdressed the Commission stating they are aware of the <br />concerns of the homeowners and intend to preserve the greenbelt even <br />though it is not a recorded easement. He addressed the concerns of <br />the surrounding neighbors present at the meeting. <br />Commissioner Doherty spoke to access onto Brockton. He stated he <br />would be in favor of eliminating the driveway on Brockton, otherwise <br />it would force Pleasanton Meadows to be traversed by other persons. <br />Chairperson Wilson asked Mr. Warnick to address this matter. Mr. <br />Warnick stated it is difficult to know what to do without first knowing <br />the uses. He stated condition number 2 could be changed to include <br />"or prohibited." <br />Mr. Harris stated it is difficult to discuss access until development <br />plans have been brought in. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jamieson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lindsey, that the negative declaration prepared for case PUD-80-15 <br />be recommended for approval because approval of this project would <br />have no significant adverse environmental effects on the environment. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: Commissioners Doherty, <br />Chairperson Wilson <br />Noes: None <br />Getty, Jamieson, Lindsey and <br />Resolution No. 1937 was then entered and adopted recommending approval <br />of the negative declaration prepared for case PUD-80-15. <br />-14- <br />__. _.._ _.._ w _. ~__ _ ~. _...._,_ . _ _ ____ .~ __ .....___ . _.._.___ ...__ ,..__ _____.__.. . <br />