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ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: Commissioners Doherty and Jamieson <br />Noes: Commissioners Getty, Lindsey and Chairperson Wilson <br />Discussion then ensued between the Commissioners, and Commissioner <br />Lindsey stated that the last sentence in Condition No. 7 should be <br />eliminated and Commissioner Jamieson stated he concurs with the <br />staff's position in this matter, and therefore does not support <br />Commissioner Lindsey's position. Commissioner Jamieson stated he <br />also supports the recommendation of staff in their second alternative <br />to the last sentence of Condition No. 7. Chairperson Wilson addressed <br />traffic studies for each building and the cost factor involved. Mr. <br />Harris stated that traffic studies for each building would be traffic <br />counts and not costly traffic studies. Chairperson Wilson asked the <br />approximate cost of this monitoring and Mr. Warnick stated no more than <br />about $500 per study. <br />Commissioner Getty made a motion, <br />case PUD-80-14 be recommended for <br />of the previous motion except that <br />7 be completely eliminated. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: <br />Noes: <br />seconded by Commissioner Lindsey that <br />approval with all of the conditions <br />the last sentence of Condition No. <br />Commissioners Getty, Lindsey and Chairperson Wilson <br />Commissioners Doherty and Jamieson <br />Resolution No. 1936 was then entered and adopted recommending approval <br />of case PUD-80-14 as stated in the motion. <br />PUD-80-15, Tracor-MBA <br />Application of Tracor-MBA for a 9 acre commercial Planned Unit Develop- <br />ment zoning for the property on the south side of Pimlico Drive between <br />Santa Rita Road and Brockton Drive consisting of eight parcels. This <br />application also requests consideration of proposed uses. The property <br />is zoned C-F (Commercial Freeway) District. A negative declaration <br />of environmental impacts was also considered. <br />Mr. Harris explained the staff report and recommendation of approval. <br />Commissioner Getty asked for a comparison of the uses in the C-F <br />District and those proposed by the applicant. Mr. Harris explained. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />J. Jack Bras, 90 Mission Drive, architect and representative of Tracor <br />spoke urging approval of the applicant's request. He stated the uses <br />would be better for the neighborhood than those currently allowed. <br />Commissioner Doherty discussed access onto Santa Rita Road and that <br />I-580 when going in a southerly direction at night this would become <br />a dangerous situation -- a great many rear-end type vehicle accidents <br />could occur. Mr. Bras stated that the final plans will probably have <br />some sort of median. Mr. Warnick stated there would be a median if <br />there was Santa Rita Road access. <br />-12- <br />........... . <br />