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Commissioner Getty stated that all of the developments are congesting <br />the area; Carnation, Denny's, etc. and asked why all of them do <br />not have to contribute to the improvements of the area. Mr. Harris <br />explained that they were constructed several years ago at which <br />time there were no problems. He stated that in 1965 it was anti- <br />cipated there would be 10-15 employees/acre in industrial areas but <br />that a business park (commercial and offices) requires 40-50 employees <br />per acre which is a considerable difference and that there are <br />hundreds of acres of industrial land in this area and that the <br />circulation system is not going to accommodate all of the traffic. <br />He said these developments were not projected at the time of the <br />original General Plan nor subsequent revisions. He stated we are <br />simply asking the developers to accommodate their use with facilities <br />to handle them. <br />Commissioner Lindsey stated that Condition No. 8 covers this and <br />Mr. Brown stated that they are willing to do that. Mr. Harris stated <br />that even with assessment districts it might not mitigate all concerns <br />and perhaps some of these areas in the General Plan might have to be <br />changed. <br />Mr. Brown spoke to Condition 28a and the requirement of 40 ft. <br />between buildings. He stated he wants 30 ft. between the buildings <br />because their project clusters and they want to provide for patios, <br />plazas and things of that nature. <br />Chairperson Wilson then asked if the applicant couldn't later apply <br />for a variance for this. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner <br />Getty that the mitigated negative <br />recommended for approval inasmuch <br />ject would reduce any significant <br />an insignificant level. <br />Doherty, seconded by Commission <br />prepared for case PUD-80-14 be <br />as conditions imposed on the pro- <br />adverse environmental effects to <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: Commissioner Doherty, Getty, Jamieson, Lindsey and <br />Chairperson Wilson <br />Noes: None <br />Resolution No. 1935 was then entered and adopted recommending approval <br />of the mitigated negative declaration prepared for case PUD-80-14. <br />A motion was then made by Commissioner Doherty, seconded by Commissioner <br />Jamieson that case PUD-80-14 be recommended for approval subject to <br />the conditions of the staff report with the following changes: <br />That Condition No. 7 be changed so that all Level D's read Level E_, <br />that the last sentence of that paragraph be..."has the right to <br />withhold further approvals on the subject property is traffic becomes <br />congested on or at nearby streets, intersections, interchanges, etc.; <br />balance of conditions per the staff report including leaving 40 ft. <br />between the buildings as stated in Condition No. 28. <br />-11- <br /> <br />