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Commissioner Getty stated that the Commission has not heard the pre- <br />sentation of the developer and there could be misconceptions as to the <br />project and it would be proper for the matter to be continued to <br />March 11, 1981. <br />Chairperson Wilson asked Mr. Meyer if he would like to make a statement. <br />Larry Osborne, representing Mr. Meyer, stated Mr. Meyer would be holding <br />open sessions to the concerned residents at the Howard Johnson Motel in <br />Dublin starting 2/19/81, 7:00-9:30 P.M. through 2/26/81; and 2/21/81 and <br />2/22/81, 10:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M. and from 3:00-5:30 P.M. <br />Chairperson Wilson stated that this schedule would be available to the <br />public at the office of the Planning Director, Robert Harris, City Hall. <br />Chairperson Wilson asked if there was anyone present in the audience <br />from Farmers Insurance Group. Herald Greenrich responded stating that <br />this evening was the first chance he has had to review the conditions and <br />would like to have an extension on the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Getty reiterated that she would like the developer's proposal <br />presented prior to taking public testimony. Commissioner Jamieson sup- <br />ported Commissioner Getty's statement. Commissioner Doherty said that <br />perhaps some of the people in the audience will not be able to attend the <br />next meeting, 3/11/81, or unable to attend Meyer's open houses and that <br />perhaps some of these people should have a chance, now, to speak. He <br />further stated that tonight is the first night he has heard about the <br />joint meeting of the 25th of February with the City Council and he will <br />be unable to attend. <br />Commissioner Lindsey stated he supported Commissioner Getty's recommen- <br />dation. <br />Commissioner Getty made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Jamieson that <br />case PUD-80-16 and case PUD-81-2 be continued to the March 11, 1981 <br />meeting of the Planning Commission. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: Commissioners Getty, Jamieson, Lindsey and Chairperson Wilson <br />Noes: None <br />Abstain: Commissioner Doherty <br />The meeting was temporarily adjourned so that the Design Review Board <br />meeting could proceed at 8:27 P.M. <br />The meeting reconvened at 8:40 P.M. and was called to order by Chair- <br />person DeWitt Wilson. <br />MEETING OPEN FOR MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION <br />No one addressed the Commission. <br />REVISIONS AND OMISSIONS TO THE AGENDA <br />Mr. Harris stated that the following matters will be continued until the <br />Planning Commission meeting of March 11, 1981: <br />-2- <br /> <br />