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of environmental impacts was also considered. <br />Mr. Harris reviewed the staff report, stating that the staff and <br />developer have agreed to all of the conditions proposed with the <br />exception of No. 5 relating to the height of the structures. He <br />further requested that an additional condition be added to this and <br />other developments: "That the developer shall agree to pay his fair <br />share of an economic analysis of the north Pleasanton area. Total <br />cost of said analysis to range in price between $5,000 to $20,000." <br />Robert Meyer, 1950 Domingo Road, Fullerton, the applicant, addressed <br />the Commission. He stated he and his planning group have been working <br />on this project for 10 months, urged approval of the 14-story tower. <br />He said consideration has been given to both on-site and off-site <br />improvements. He spoke to various conditions imposed by staff; <br />No. 62, 63 and 64; No. 6 on Page 7, he cited several reasons why it <br />was necessary to have minimum setbacks; No. 4 on Page 7, he said this <br />is difficult for them to deal with because of economics as it deals <br />with an open-ended commitment; streets, fire department, etc. <br />He said this condition has him worried. Regarding Condition No. 5 <br />concerning the height limitation of 5 stories as suggested by staff - <br />he stated that visibility from freeways is important. He spoke to <br />the efficiency of vertical space utilization and urged approval of the <br />structures' height as proposed. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Stan Moenning, 6140 Inglewood Drive spoke in favor of the proposal. <br />Chairperson Wilson asked all speakers to confine their comments to <br />three minutes and urged group representation whenever possible. <br />Bruce England, 4460 Entrada spoke for the project, saying that initially <br />he was against it. He said the development is consistent with the <br />quality of life in the area. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked Mr. England's occupation and Mr. England <br />responded he works for Clorox. <br />Pete Ruggeri, Bissell & Karn, representing Prudential (the propetty. <br />owners across the street from this proposal) urged that while his <br />client supports this development he wants the matter to be continued <br />for an analysis of the entire area. He said Prudential has submitted <br />several preliminary maps over the past years and each of these maps <br />have shown where the northern intersection of their property would go <br />on Hopyard Road. He said the location of the Meyers Drive intersection <br />on Hopyard Road is important to all developers of the area and that his <br />client urges that the intersection be placed in a location which would <br />be in the better interest of all concerned. <br />Commissioner Doherty asked Mr. Ruggeri about the traffic studies. <br />Commissioner Doherty then asked if Prudential would be willing to work <br />out a solution with the Meyer's people. Mr. Ruggeri said yes; they <br />-2- <br />_.. ._. _.. __._..._. ...._.._. ._ ._....___....r~._._..,..,.. .. ...._.._. __ ____.,, .. ._ ._.._.,.... _ ._... .._ ...__-r.,. <br />