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parking area at any time to prohibit unauthorized parking. There <br />was again discussion and calculations regarding the number of <br />parking spaces to be required in the area. <br />Mr. Rounseville then indicated that a traffic study indicated that <br />the peak traffic for the restaurant would be at the dinner hour <br />and 80 spaces would be needed. There are presently plans for <br />84 spaces. <br />Commissioner Getty indicated she still felt they were grossly short <br />on parking. <br />Steve Gibson, of The Axiom Group, discussed the traffic study and <br />the parking requirements. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />Commissioner Lindsey asked if the owners of Hap's Restaurant were <br />notified of the meeting and Mr. Harris indicated they were. <br />Commissioner Wilson spoke at length regarding his concerns about <br />parking for the office building and restaurant. He suggests the <br />parcel 1 office building should go and all five parcels should be <br />put into an S District for 4 months for more study. <br />There was then discussion regarding were the entrance to the parking <br />area should be. Commissioner Jamieson expressed concern about the <br />parks and felt they should be retained at all costs. <br />Mr. Gibson again spoke to the Commission and said there were consid- <br />erable hardships in continuing the matter due to funding problems. <br />They have worked with staff and Southern Pacific and feel that traffic <br />is not a real problem. They have made considerable adjustments. The <br />Commission may consider putting the restaurant into a study but would <br />like to have a decision about the rest of the development. <br />Commissioner Wilson inquired about the phase 2 development. <br />Mr. Gibson indicated the second phase was to provide addit~.onal <br />parking given the demands at the time. It would solve any parking <br />problems discovered in the first phase. <br />Additional discussion ensured regarding the parking problems and <br />the TJKM Traffic Study. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked Mr. Gibson if they had financial commit- <br />ments and Mr.Gibson indicated they had. Commissioner Jamieson <br />indicated he agreed with the other Commissioners that parcel 1 <br />should be in a study district for 3-4 months and that they could <br />vote for the remainder of the project. <br />Mr. Rounseville asked if the problems could be solved in th:r-~y days. <br />Mr. Harris said there was no need to tie up the property in a study <br />district. He suggested the matter just be continued. <br />-10- <br />